Table 5, “Student Populations”

Academic Year 2022-2023 CoJMC UNL
Male Female % of total in unit Male Female % of total in institution
Black/African-American   17 19 3.8% 297 258 2.9%
White   327 417 78.7% 7329 7350 76.0%
American Indian/Alaskan native                              0 0 0.0% 17 20 0.2%
Asian                                                      5 13 1.9% 356 374 3.8%
Hispanic/Latino (any race)   28 43 7.5% 828 879 8.8%
Native Hawaiian/other Pacific Islander   0 0 0.0% 9 4 0.1%
Two or more races   17 23 4.2% 305 381 3.6%
Other race   5 4 1.0% 109 78 1.0%
International students (any race)   9 18 2.9% 413 300 3.7%
Total 408 537 100.0% 9663 9644 100.0%
Grand Total 945 19307

Source: Total Headcount Enrollment by College, Major, Degree, Ethnicity, and Gender, Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Analytics, Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, retrieved from:

Academic Year 2023-2024 CoJMC UNL 
  Male Female % of total in unit Male Female  Nonbinary % of total in institution
American Indian or Alaska Native 0 2 0.2% 24 22 0 0.2%
Asian 3 17 1.9% 384 413 0 4.0%
Black or African American 22 20 4.0% 312 285 0 3.0%
Hispanic 38 58 9.2% 868 982 0 9.2%
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 0 0 0.0% 10 3 0 0.1%
Two or more races 19 31 4.8% 324 411 0 3.7%
U.S. Nonresident 12 14 2.5% 333 277 0 3.0%
Unknown race and ethnicity 5 2 0.7% 110 77 0 0.9%
White 339 461 76.7% 7574 7623 6 75.9%
Total 438 605 100.0% 9939 10093 6 100.0%
Grand Total 1043     20038      

Source: AMIS Validation-Enrollment, Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Analytics, Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, retrieved