Shari R. Veil, MBA, Ph.D.
Dean & Professor
What a year! 2020 was filled with challenges and incredible accomplishments.
Our students covered the Iowa Caucuses and tracked political news coverage. They covered Covid-19 for the New York Times and used traffic patterns to provide local insight on the pandemic. They covered Husker Sports, even when they couldn’t attend the games. They dove even deeper into understanding climate change and received national attention for their coverage of the climate crisis. They worked on advertising and public relations campaigns for more than 50 university partners, community businesses and not-for-profit organizations.
Hundreds of stories were distributed to news organizations across the state through the Nebraska News Service, and our award cabinets are once again busting at the hinges with plaques and trophies for outstanding student work.
We moved all of our classes online in the middle of the spring semester, supported almost 60 students with paid internships over the summer and completely reorganized Andersen Hall to create a safe environment for the fall.
While we couldn’t study abroad, we collaborated with students from Oman in the global news class and are working to revamp Global Eyewitness for future semesters.
Transitioning in a Pandemic
Commitment to students carries college through pandemic
The global coronavirus pandemic of 2020 has presented unprecedented challenges for everyone, including colleges and universities.

CoJMC has smooth transition during a rocky year
Shari Veil looked forward to moving to Lincoln and becoming the dean of the College of Journalism and Mass Communications after she was hired in December 2019.

New Faculty
Chris Graves
Chris Graves joined the college in August 2020 as an assistant professor in journalism.
Graves is a Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter who held positions at the Cincinnati Enquirer, the Minneapolis Star Tribune and Minnesota Public Radio before joining the college.
Meet Chris
Jessica Walsh
Jessica Walsh joined the college in January 2020 as an assistant professor in journalism.
Walsh held positions at The Associated Press, the Patriot Ledger and the Boston Herald before joining the college.
Meet Jessica
Classroom & Student Experiences
Summer internship program helps college's students and industry partners
When the COVID-19 pandemic hit Nebraska in the Spring of 2020, many College of Journalism and Mass Communications students lost their summer jobs and internships.

Bailey Lauerman establishes diversity and creativity scholarship
Bailey Lauerman, an integrated marketing, design, public relations, social, digital, and production agency in Nebraska, is funding a new scholarship for students in the College of Journalism and Mass Communications.

Peer mentor program helps new students adjust and student mentors grow
The College of Journalism and Mass Communications piloted the peer mentor program in fall 2019, and fully implemented the program this Fall 2020 semester.

Omaha World-Herald Fellows get a taste of the real world
Founded in 2008, the Omaha World-Herald Fellows program provides emerging journalists with the chance to learn from working journalists and apply for a coveted fellowship with the organization.

Emergency support helps students in a pinch
For most working adults, a stolen bike is not a big deal. But if you are a college student, your bike might be the only way for you to get to class or the part-time job you need to pay the rent.

Nebraska leads global discussion on leveraging virtual connections in the classroom
In September, Nebraska was one of four institutions to host the Virtual International Seminar.

Election 2020: Student Coverage
Throughout 2020, College of Mass Communications and Journalism students had the opportunity to experience the process of American democracy in a few different ways.
The first opportunity was in the beginning of February when twelve students traveled to Iowa to report on the caucuses. They made connections with news organizations, photographers and multimedia journalists from all over the country and world. CoJMC faculty members Jill Martin, Olga Pierce and John Shrader accompanied the students.

Diversity & Inclusion
Creighton facilitates conversation about race with CoJMC students, faculty and staff
After the murder of George Floyd, Trina Creighton felt like she became a new person. After watching something so tragic and horrendous, she knew she could no longer “stay in her place.”

Jacht Agency celebrates diversity and inclusion through Anchor Week activities
Diversity and inclusion have always been strong pillars of Jacht, and Anchor Week gives students the opportunity to recognize that among their peers.

"The Circle" seeks to foster a sense of community on campus
A group of students in the College of Journalism and Mass Communications (CoJMC) founded the club because they saw the need for raw and real conversations across UNL’s campus.

Research & Impact
Huskers assist New York Times’ COVID-19 coverage
A University of Nebraska–Lincoln alumnus, faculty member and student are part of The New York Times’ extensive coverage of the 2019 novel coronavirus pandemic.

Climate change depth report gains national attention
Climate Change Nebraska, a yearlong student depth-reporting project at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, gained national attention when it was featured in Katie Couric’s newsletter “Wake-up Call” in October 2020.

University launches innovative center to study how technology is governed
The Nebraska Governance and Technology Center, approved by the Board of Regents in February, will give students and faculty opportunities possible at only a handful of universities across the globe.

Welcome to Andersen Hall
This spring, the College of Journalism and Mass Communications will cut the ribbon on a renovation of the lobby to Andersen Hall, the college’s home.
Andersen Hall was almost entirely renovated in 2001 when the University decided to turn the old Security Mutual Life building on Lincoln’s Centennial Mall into the home of the CoJMC.
One area that was not updated during the 2001 renovation was the lobby. Dark wood veneer, marble trim and low ceilings were left in place.

Alumni Engagement
Big Red reunions welcome alums from seven decades
When Shari Veil assumed the role of dean of the College of Journalism and Mass Communications in July 2020, she was determined to continue hosting alumni events despite the global pandemic.

Guest speaker program brings alumni back to the classroom
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln College of Journalism and Mass Communication launched a guest speaker program in July 2020 to bring alumni back to the classroom.

78 join strategic planning committee, including 21 alumni and industry partners
In August 2020, the College of Journalism and Mass Communications launched a year-long strategic planning process to lay the groundwork for the future.
By the Numbers
Students Enrolled
New Faculty Positions Secured for 2021
States Students Come From
Awards Received
Scholarships Awarded
Bachelor's Degrees Awarded
First-generation Students
Countries Students Come From
Honors and Awards
American Advertising Federation Nebraska
- Gold Addy, Elements of Advertising - Photography, Sumit Jagdale
- Silver Addy, Elements of Advertising - Photography, Sumit Jagdale
- Gold Addy, Elements of Advertising - Photography, Julia Strilkivsky
- Silver Addy, Integrated Brand Identity, Sarah Thompson
- Silver Addy, TV Advertising, UNL National Student Advertising Competition Team
- Gold Addy, Consumer Campaign, UNL National Student Advertising Competition Team
- Best Copy, UNL National Student Advertising Competition Team
American Advertising Federation
- Most Promising Multicultural Student Award, Celine Hayes
- Most Promising Multicultural Student Award, Kimberly Chungong
- Most Promising Multicultural Student Award, Kyla Jackson
- Most Promising Multicultural Student Award, Ann Milroy
American Marketing Association Nebraska
- PRISM Award, Marketing Maverick, Fox Sports Class
- PRISM Award, Apps, Fox Sports Class
- Merit Award, Apps, Fox Sports Class
- Merit Award, Marketing Research, Fox Sports Class
- PRISM Award, Marketing Research, UNL National Student Advertising Competition Team
- PRISM Award, Media Plans, UNL National Student Advertising Competition Team
- Merit Award, Consumer Marketing Campaign, UNL National Student Advertising Competition Team
Broadcast Education Association
- Festival of Media Arts, 2nd Place, Allie Snow
Hearst Journalism Awards
- Radio Championships, 5th Place, Allie Snow
- Best Use of Radio for News Coverage, Allie Snow
- Multimedia I/Narrative Video Storytelling, 8th place, Kenneth Ferriera
- Multimedia I/Narrative Video Storytelling, 12th place, Isaiah Somanas
Midwest Broadcast Journalism Association
- Eric Sevareid Award, First Place, Hard Feature Student Market Radio, Natalie Saenz
- Eric Sevareid Award, Award of Merit, Audio Student Market Radio, Natalie Saenz
- Eric Sevareid Award, First Place, General Reporting Student Market Radio, Acacia Wetzstein
- Eric Sevareid Award, First Place, Student Market Television, Allie Snow
- Eric Sevareid Award, Award of Merit, Individual Multimedia Storytelling, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Eric Sevareid Award, Award of Merit, Sports Play-by-Play Student Market Radio, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Eric Sevareid Award, Award of Merit, Student Market Television, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Eric Sevareid Award, First Place, Sportscast/Program Student Market Radio, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Eric Sevareid Award, Award of Merit, Team Multimedia Storytelling, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
National Broadcasting Society
- Student Electronic Media Top Prize, Public Service Announcement, Alec Cromer and Brenna Doherty
- Student Electronic Media Top Prize, Video Promotional Announcement, Anne Milroy and Audrey Brooker
- Student Electronic Media Top Prize, Public Service Announcement, Alec Cromer and Brenna Doherty
- Student Electronic Media Honorable Mention, Instructional/Corporate/Promotional, Emily Morrow, Elijah Herbel and Anne Milroy
Nebraska Broadcasters Association
- Pinnacle Award, Best News Story, Allie Snow
- Pinnacle Award, Best News Feature, Morgan Holen
- Pinnacle Award, Best Sports Story, Casey Surma
- Pinnacle Award, Best Live Sports Event, Dustyn Stortzum
- Pinnacle Award, Best Promotional Announcement, Audrey Brooker and Anne Milroy
- Pinnacle Award, Best Radio News Story, Acacia Wetzstein
- Pinnacle Award, Best Radio Sports Story, Will Bauer
National Alumni Association
- Doc Elliott Award, Alfred "Bud" Pagel
- Program Participant, Natalie Saenz
- Program Participant, Kylie Graham
- Program Participant, Brenda Maytorena
Public Relations Society of America
- Public Relations Society of America, Star Chapter Award, UNL Public Relations Student Society Chapter
Public Relations Society of America Nebraska Chapter
- Paper Anvil Award, Outstanding Branding Campaign, UNL PRSSA Chapter
- Paper Anvil Award, Outstanding Community or Nonprofit Event, UNL PRSSA Chapter
- Paper Anvil Award, Outstanding Community or Nonprofit Event, UNL PRSSA Chapter
- Paper Anvil Award, Outstanding Professional Development, UNL PRSSA Chapter
- Paper Anvil Award, Outstanding PRSSA Chapter Project, UNL PRSSA Chapter
- Paper Anvil Award, Outstanding Classroom Campaign, UNL PRSSA Chapter
- Paper Anvil Award, Strategy to Address a Problem, UNL PRSSA Chapter
- Paper Anvil Award, Outstanding Relationship-Building Project, UNL PRSSA Chapter
Society of Professional Journalists, Region 7
- Mark of Excellence Award, Radio Finalist, Natalie Saenz
- Mark of Excellence Award, Radio News Reporting Winner, Acacia Wertzstein
- Mark of Excellence Award, Television General News Reporting Finalist, Allie Snow
- Mark of Excellence Award, Television Feature Reporting Finalist, Aaron Housenga
- Mark of Excellence Award, Online News Reporting Finalist, Elizabeth Rembert
- Mark of Excellence Award, Online Feature Reporting Winner, Alli Davis
- Mark of Excellence Award, Online Feature Reporting Finalist, Isaiah Somanas
- Mark of Excellence Award, Online In-Depth Reporting Winner, Nebraska Mosaic
- Mark of Excellence Award, Online Sports Reporting Finalist, Ben Jones
- Mark of Excellence Award, Best Affiliated Website, Left in the Dark
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Student Involvement, Outstanding New Adviser Award, Jemalyn Griffin
- Parents' Recognition Award, Patti Harney
- Parents' Recognition Award, Brandon Nutting
- Parents' Recognition Award, Monte Olson
- Parents' Recognition Award, Jill Arth
- Parents' Recognition Award, Andrea Gaghagen
- Parents' Recognition Award, Rick Alloway
- Parents' Recognition Award, Luis Peon-Casanova
- Parents' Recognition Award, John Shrader
- Parents' Recognition Award, Alex Fernando
- Parents' Recognition Award, John Bender
- Parents' Recognition Award, Jill Martin
- Parents' Recognition Award, Joe Starita
- Parents' Recognition Award, Matt Waite
- College Distinguished Teaching Award, Sue Bullard
- Nancy Kenny Academic Business Leader Award, Haley Hamel
University of Nebraska
- University of Nebraska, Staff Kudos Award, Susan Oestmann