In August, 2020, the College of Journalism and Mass Communications launched a strategic planning process to lay the groundwork for the future of the college. Faculty and staff met for the fall retreat to discuss the state of higher education and our industries, competition, university and college. We identified trends, gaps, opportunities, questions, concerns and insights on our environment. Faculty and staff were surveyed to determine our purpose, collective strengths, opportunities and aspirations.

Building on this foundation, 78 college stakeholders, including 48 faculty and staff, 9 current students and 21 alumni and industry partners were asked to engage in an expansive and inclusive strategic planning process. Stakeholders were assigned to seven task forces specific to mission, vision and values; external operations; people and internal operations; undergraduate academic operations; graduate academic operations; scholarship and creative activity; and student experiences and experiential learning. A review committee composed of alumni and emeritus faculty was established to provide feedback on the distinctive capabilities, strategies, action steps and measures drafted by each of the task forces.

Over the next six months the task forces presented draft plans and all committee members were invited to comment during the meetings and provide feedback anonymously online. Each iteration was also posted to the college website and shared through the alumni newsletter, encouraging alumni to provide comments and suggestions through the online feedback form. The review committee summarized the comments and feedback and recommended revisions.

In April, 2021, the task force co-chairs met to review each task force action plan and identify strategic aims that would direct the college for the next five years. These aims, dubbed “game changers,” embraced our distinctive capabilities, aligned with our values, drove our mission and would help us realize our vision.

The strategic planning committee co-chairs drafted a plan around the aims and in line with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln N2025 Strategic Plan. Aims were aligned with our value statements and targets were determined by the dean and director of business and operations. The plan was presented to the full strategic planning committee on May 7, 2021, and approved by the college faculty and staff on May 14, 2021.

Strategic Plan

Our Progress