Thank you, Joe

Student working in breakout room on project

Share your retirement message for Joe Starita

A relentless pursuit of the truth, exceptional journalism and constant defense of the First Amendment. These are the values that Joe Starita brought to the classroom during his twenty-one years on the University of Nebraska-Lincoln College of Journalism and Mass Communications faculty. He inspired countless students with his passion, drive and demand for excellence.

Joe Starita will retire from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln on June 30, 2021. To honor him, the college is collecting messages from former students, colleagues and friends. Please consider including your message by completing the form below. Submissions will be collected and presented to Joe upon his retirement, and quotes will be included in a feature story on Joe's career.

Group wins the RFK AwardThe College of Journalism and Mass Communications' Depth Reporting Program wins the Robert F. Kennedy Journalism Awards Grand Prize on May 23, 2017.

Consider a gift to support the future of journalism at Nebraska

Joe's legacy is mentoring great journalists through real-world projects and assignments. You cannot simply sit in a classroom and become a good journalist. You must go out into the community, research, conduct interviews, write, rewrite, edit and then do it all again.

Consider a gift to the Student Experiences fund to support future journalists.

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