By the Numbers: Husker Power Survey

Sunday, October 22, 2023 - 7:15am

In week four of the semester, first-year students are asked to take the Husker Power Survey, which consists of 15 yes or no questions about academic, social, financial and emotional wellbeing. The university uses survey responses to provide students with resources and expertise.

The questions are:

  1. I am considering not returning to UNL next semester.
  2. I have found a friend or group of friends at UNL.
  3. I am experiencing financial distress.
  4. I have the course materials I need for all my classes.
  5. I sometimes feel alone or isolated because of my sexual orientation and/or gender identity.
  6. I sometimes feel alone or isolated because of my racial, ethnic, or cultural identity.
  7. I would like some support for my emotional wellbeing.
  8. I would like to learn more about becoming involved in campus life.
  9. I have questions but I do not know who to ask for answers.
  10. I am struggling in one or more classes.
  11. I am attending all of my classes (in-person and/or remotely) regularly.
  12. I am having technological difficulties in completing my coursework.
  13. I have connected with at least one faculty member on campus.
  14. My obligations outside of college are negatively impacting my academic performance.
  15. Someone at the university cares about me.

In the fall of 2023, 175 CoJMC freshmen completed the Husker Power Survey. Of the respondents, 106 indicated that they had a concern in one or more of the areas above, while 69 students stated that they had no concerns. Forty-two students indicated they only had concerns in one area, while 27 indicated concerns in two areas, 14 in three, 18 in four, four in five and one in seven different areas.

Bar graph of Husker Power Survey resonses


The average number of concerns expressed by respondents was 1.4. Only white and multiracial students indicated concerns at a below-average rate. All other racial and ethnic groups were above average, with the highest rate of concern expressed by American Indian and International Students.

Bar graph of HSP resonses


First-generation students also reported concerns at a higher rate than non-first-generation students.

Bar graph of Husker Power Survey resonses

Total Concerns

In total, students expressed 232 different concerns. The top three concerns among our students were:

  • I am experiencing financial distress. (38)
  • I am struggling in one or more classes. (34)
  • I would like some support for my emotional wellbeing. (33)

The bottom three concerns were:

  • I am attending all of my classes (in-person and/or remotely) regularly. (2)
  • I have connected with at least one faculty member on campus. (0)
  • My obligations outside of college are negatively impacting my academic performance. (0)

Bar graph of Husker Power Survey resonses

For Instructors

Individual faculty can review aggregated Husker Survey response data for their courses. This can provide insight into the concerns and challenges your students may be facing and offer you the opportunity to support our students.

Faculty may also request access to student-level response data. Training is required to receive access.

If you need information about campus resources available to your students, please contact Advising Director Alisa Smith.