By the Numbers: Employment Outlook

Sunday, January 8, 2023 - 7:45am

Understanding the evolving job market in the industries is essential to decision-making that will prepare students for their future careers. The Bureau of Labor Statistics publishes employment projections that provide insight into the careers our students may pursue. BLS projects future employment statistics for 832 jobs in 281 job categories.

Of those 832 jobs, 26 are related to the programs offered in our college. Those roles are:

  • Advertising and promotions managers
  • Advertising sales agents
  • Art directors
  • Audio and video technicians
  • Broadcast announcers and radio disc jockeys
  • Broadcast technicians
  • Camera operators, television, video, and film
  • Editors
  • Film and video editors
  • Fundraisers
  • Fundraising managers
  • Graphic designers
  • Lighting technicians
  • Market research analysts and marketing specialists
  • Marketing managers
  • News analysts, reporters, and journalists
  • Photographers
  • Proofreaders and copy markers
  • Public relations managers
  • Public relations specialists
  • Sound engineering technicians
  • Technical writers

Job Market Size

In 2021 (the last year for which data is available), the largest number of existing jobs were market research analysts, marketing managers and public relations specialists. Interestingly, the largest job market – market research analysts, is more than twice as large, at 792,500 jobs, than the second largest – marketing managers – at 391,000 jobs. The smallest job markets were found in sound engineering technicians, proofreaders and copy markers and lighting technicians. This aligns closely with the college's current enrollment, where the largest number of students are found in advertising and public relations and the smallest in broadcasting. 

Largest Growth

The average projected growth across all jobs between 2021 and 2031 is 9,997. Six job markets served by our college are projected to see larger growth than average. Market research analysts are projected to see the largest growth between 2021 and 2031, adding 150,300 jobs and growing from 792,500 to 942,800. Marketing managers, public relations specialists, fundraisings are audio and video technicians are also expected to see sizable growth. Not all jobs, served by our majors are expected to grow. Five job markets are expected to shrink over the next 10 years including, Broadcast technicians, Broadcast announcers and radio disc jockeys, News analysts, reporters, and journalists, Editors and Advertising sales agents. 

Fastest Growth

The average rate of job growth between 2021 and 2031 is 4.3%. Again, market research analysts are expected to see the fastest growth at 19%, followed by audio and video technicians (15.7%), lighting technicians (14.7%), film and video editors (13.8%) and fundraisers (11.2%). The fastest job decline will be seen in broadcast announcers and radio disc jockeys (-11.4%), followed by new analysts, reporters and journalists (-8.6%), advertising sales agents (-7.9%), editors (-5.15) and broadcast technicians (-2%). 

Median Annual Wage

The highest median annual wages are seen in advertising and public relations-related jobs including marketing managers ($135,030), advertising and promotions managers ($127,150) and public relations managers ($125,780). The lowest median annual wages are seen in proofreaders and copy markers ($43,940), photographers ($38,950) and broadcast announcers and radio disc jockeys ($37,630).