Graduation Spotlight: LeAnne Bugay

Sunday, May 19, 2024 - 1:30pm

After graduating from the CoJMC, LeAnne Bugay is looking forward to learning about the rest of the world and sharing her Nebraskan identity with others. She'll move to New York City this summer to start her dream job as an assistant account executive at Resnicow and Associates, an arts and culture-focused public relations agency.

What does graduating from Nebraska mean to you?

Graduating from Nebraska means the world to me as a born-and-raised Nebraskan and first generation college student. I've grown a unique closeness to the university and state these last four years through my areas of study, involvements, and relationships. Nebraska has also given me the support and guidance needed to excel as a first generation student.

Graduating from Nebraska is also a bittersweet moment for me because I'll be moving away from the people who built me these last four years. From my professors to internship advisors, and fellow students to club members, each of them have impacted me tremendously, and I wouldn't have built as strong of relationships anywhere else.

As you think about graduating from Nebraska, please share any transformational moments that helped to shape who you are or what you will do going forward:

The most transformative experience I had for my career was interning in social media at Sheldon Museum of Art for the last year and a half. The museum trusted me to take on the huge responsibility as the sole social media manager who needed to grow our connection with our student audience. The staff here have been supportive of me by giving me the freedom to try new things and advice on how to improve. This internship launched me into the next step in my career path, which is working for an arts and culture public relations firm in New York City. I truly wouldn't be where I'm at today in my career if it weren't for the experiential learning opportunity I got at Sheldon Museum of Art and Nebraska.

What were you involved in at CoJMC and UNL?

Mortar Board National Senior Honor Society
New Student Enrollment Orientation Leader
Gamma Phi Beta Sorority
Sheldon Museum of Art Student Advisory Board
90.3 KRNU Radio Station

What are your plans for after graduation?

I'm moving to New York City in July to work as an assistant account executive at Resnicow and Associates! They are a public relations agency that specializes in arts and culture clients. It's truly my dream job!

After graduation, what are you most looking forward to?

Learning about the rest of the world, but also sharing my Nebraskan identity with others. I'm excited to move to New York City and meet people from all over the world, but I'm also excited to share that I'm a proud Nebraskan, as it's pretty uncommon out there. I think I bring a unique perspective on life being from here, and I'm excited to share that with others.

Who helped you throughout your time as a Husker that you'd like to thank?

I want to send an endless thank you to my best friend and Class of 2023 graduate Dulce Garcia. I met Dulce while working as orientation leaders in the summer of 2022, and we've been inseparable ever since. Throughout our friendship, she has pushed me to grow, get involved on campus, set high goals for myself, and be proud of who I am. She is the best connection I made at college, and I'm so grateful that the university connected us.

What is the best thing about being a Husker?

The community. There are endless ways to build relationships and community at Nebraska. This university provides a unique chance to do that because it's big enough where you can find your people, but small enough where you don't feel lost. By the time I got to be a senior, I couldn't walk to class without running into at least a few friends or connections along the way. Nebraska has provided me with a lifelong community of friends, professors, and mentors who are there whenever I need a shoulder to cry on or someone to celebrate an achievement with.

LeAnne Bugay, advertising/public relations and journalism double major from Bellevue, Nebraska
LeAnne Bugay, advertising/public relations and journalism double major from Bellevue, Nebraska