Graduation Spotlight: Connor Clark

Tuesday, May 14, 2024 - 12:45pm

While at Nebraska, Connor Clark of Lake Bluff, Illinois, immersed himself in various hands-on experiences to further his learning in broadcasting and sports media. This summer, he'll start his first post-grad role as the Director of Broadcasting and Media Relations for the Lincoln Saltdogs baseball team.

What does graduating from Nebraska mean to you?

Graduating from Nebraska means a lot. It is a great moment for myself and the things I have been able to accomplish, and it also gives me a sense of pride that I can take what the university has given me and apply it to my life. Nebraska has also given me life long friendships, memories, and opportunities I will never forget.

As you think about graduating from Nebraska, please share any transformational moments that helped to shape who you are or what you will do going forward:

A professor I had a very strong connection with and still do is Bill Doleman. I met him before he was a professor thanks to my radio job and we clicked instantly when he got onto campus. He has been a fantastic resource for me to go to about work, school, or anything that is going on in life.

What were you involved in at CoJMC and UNL?

90.3 KRNU, Big Ten Plus, Nebraska News Service

What are your plans for after graduation?

For the summer I am the Director of Broadcasting and Media Relations for the Lincoln Saltdogs. After that I look to continue my sports broadcasting career either here in Nebraska or wherever the best opportunity takes me.

After graduation, what are you most looking forward to?

Experiencing new places, meeting new people, and learning a lot more about myself and life as I move on.

Who helped you throughout your time as a Husker that you'd like to thank?

I want to give a thank you to my friends who helped make the college transition easy, to my professors for allowing me to be able to call games from the moment I stepped onto campus in 2020, and to my parents who helped me along the way, guiding me through experiences that I have never been a part of before and teaching me new things along the way.

What is the best thing about being a Husker?

The people, the place, the opportunities, and the memories. The City of Lincoln exceeded expectations since the moment I visited for the first time and I am so glad I was able to spend four years in such a great city.

Connor Clark
Broadcasting and sports media and communication double major Connor Clark from Lake Bluff, Illinois