Apply for the Sharon Begley Science Reporting Fellowship

Friday, April 7, 2023 - 4:00pm

The Sharon Begley Science Reporting Fellowship was launched in 2021 with the goal of diversifying the ranks of science and health journalists and fostering better coverage of science that is relevant to all people. It is a year-long $75k (with health benefits) reporting fellowship for early-career journalists. 

What is it?

The Begley Fellowship combines a paid reporting position at STAT with an educational component provided through the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s prestigious Knight Science Journalism (KSJ) program.

Who's it for?

The one-year fellowship is intended for early-career U.S. journalists from racial and ethnic groups underrepresented in the profession and will prepare them for a successful career in science journalism. One fellow will be selected for the 2023-24 year, and will work at STAT’s Boston office from mid-to-late August 2023 to August 2024.

How do I apply?

Applications will be accepted online until 5 p.m. EST on May 1.

Applicants must submit:
  • A resume
  • Links to 3-5 published articles
  • A personal statement of up to 1,000 words describing yourself, your goals for the fellowship, and how your background, experiences, and career path influenced your decision to pursue this opportunity.
  • A letter of recommendation from an individual familiar with your work who can comment on your abilities, your commitment to journalism, and your suitability for this fellowship. The letter must be submitted by May 5.

Apply here:

Learn more

Visit the Sharon Begley Science Reporting Fellowship page here:


Contact STAT Managing Editor Gideon Gil at


Reach out to Begley Fellow alumna Isa Cuento at

"The Begley Fellowship is how I got my foot in the door as a science journalist, and it fundamentally changed the course of my career, so I want to spread the word to other young journalists." —Isa Cuento

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