College Meetings 2022-2023

College Meetings: All faculty and staff of the college are appointed. Meetings once per month (more if special discussions needed), guests invited as needed. Chaired by dean. Meeting notes distributed to the college.

Graduate Faculty Meeting: All faculty with graduate faculty appointments. Meetings once per month (more if working on curriculum changes, new initiatives, etc.), guests invited as needed. Chaired by associate dean for academic programs. Meeting notes distributed to the college.

Undergraduate Major Faculty Meetings: All faculty who teach courses/conduct scholarship in the major/area are appointed. Meetings once per month (more if working on curriculum changes, new initiatives, etc.), admins/guests/staff included as needed. Chair elected by committee. Scribe appointed for each meeting. Meeting notes distributed to the college.

  • Advertising and Public Relations
  • Broadcasting
  • Journalism
  • Sports Media and Communication

Staff Council Meeting: All staff in the college are appointed, faculty representative appointed. Meetings once per month (more if working on major initiatives, etc.), guests invited as needed. Chaired by business and operations director. Meeting notes distributed to the college.