2. Faculty Committees

  1. College Major Committees
    1. A faculty committee shall oversee each major in the college. The committee for each major shall consist of all college faculty who teach in or conduct research in or related to that major.
    2. The faculty committee for each major shall meet at least once a month during the fall and spring semesters.
    3. At the last meeting of the spring semester, the faculty shall elect a chair for the coming academic year.
    4. The chair for each major shall be responsible for convening meetings of the faculty, preparing the agenda for each meeting, keeping records of the meetings, and providing the meeting records to the college website.
  2. Procedures for Electing and Appointing Faculty to Standing Committees

    1. Election Procedures
      1. The elected chairs of each college major committee shall be members of the Executive Committee. 

    2. Appointment Procedures
      1. Members of all other committees shall be appointed. Faculty and staff members shall respond to a survey in the spring semester asking their preferences for committee assignments for the coming academic year. In consultation with the elected chairs of the major committees, the dean and the associate dean for research and faculty affairs shall use those preferences to assign faculty and staff to the committees before the last day of classes in the spring semester. All faculty and staff will be assigned to at least one committee. To the extent possible, appointments will be made to include on each committee faculty of all ranks and types of appointment and from all majors in the college while maintaining continuity year to year.

  3. Committees
    1. Executive Committee
      1. The Executive Committee of the college shall consist of the dean, any associate or assistant deans, any directors or chairs, the business and operations manager, the elected chairs of each major committee in the college, and at least one staff member. In the event, no non-tenure track faculty member is elected by a major, the non-tenure track faculty shall meet and elect one of their members to serve on the Executive Committee. In the event no tenured or tenure-track faculty member is elected by a major, the tenured and tenure-track faculty shall elect one of their members to serve on the Executive Committee. The dean shall be the chair of the committee.

      2. The executive committee is advisory to the dean on the business and general welfare of the college and shall provide review and feedback on proposals on college operations.

      3. The committee shall

        1. Propose changes or review, analyze, and evaluate proposals for changes to college operations
        2. Review proposals of other committees before placing them on the agenda for full faculty consideration
        3. Review this document at least once a year and consider whether any changes should be made. Recommendations for changes shall take effect only after having been approved by the full faculty of the college.
        4. Assess emerging industry trends that could significantly affect academic programs and propose changes to ensure excellent career preparation for students. 
        5. Advise the dean on conditions affecting the faculty, staff, and students and their ability to carry out their duties. 
        6. Advise the dean on initiatives to enhance the college’s position with students, alumni, other units of the university, and other journalism and communication programs in the country. 
        7. Hear appeals from students regarding grades and other matters in which a student might consider his or her standing or performance to have been adversely affected. If a student appeals a grade, both the student and the faculty member shall be invited to present any relevant information about the grade. The committee may request additional information from either party if it deems the information necessary to a decision. Grades shall not be changed unless the student is able to prove, by a preponderance of the evidence, that the grade given was the product of caprice or prejudice on the part of the instructor. 
        8. Contribute to the college’s pursuit of accreditation through the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communications by facilitating the development of a strong case for those standards under the committee’s purview. 
        9. Carry out such other duties as assigned by the dean. 
    2. Strategic Planning Committee
      1. The strategic planning committee shall oversee implementation of the college’s strategic plan and assess the progress of the college toward achieving its goals. The dean shall be the chair of the committee.

      2. The committee shall:

        1. Review the college’s strategic plan and make recommendations for changes.

        2. Gather information on the progress of the college toward meeting the goals set in the strategic plan.

        3. Advise committees within the college on progress toward achieving strategic goals.

        4. Recommend actions necessary for achieving college goals.

        5. Set priorities for committees and faculty for achieving college goals.

        6. Coordinate and oversee to the college’s pursuit of accreditation through the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communications

    3. Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
      1. The Undergraduate Curriculum Committee is responsible for ensuring that the courses and degree programs offered by the college meet standards of excellence as judged by the college faculty, the University Curriculum Committee, and the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communications. The committee may propose curricular changes to the full faculty and shall review and make recommendations on proposals submitted by faculty members. The associate dean for academic programs shall be the chair of the committee.

      2. The committee shall

        1. Establish and maintain criteria for admittance to the college’s undergraduate programs.

        2. Receive and review faculty proposals for changes to the curriculum by adding, eliminating, or altering courses. The committee may also make its own recommendations for such curriculum changes. The committee shall submit to the full faculty for final approval any recommendations for curricular changes.

        3. Ensure the academic bulletin and course catalog are accurate and currant.

        4. Assess industry trends that could significantly affect academic programs and propose changes to ensure excellent career preparation for students.

        5. Analyze the undergraduate programs for policies and procedures that are barriers to program retention, completion, and graduation and propose changes to improve the college’s retention and graduation rates. This should not be construed as requiring or encouraging a reduction in the overall rigor of the academic programs.

        6. Coordinate with the college diversity committee to ensure the integration of issues of diversity, both domestic and global, throughout the undergraduate curriculum.

        7. Develop, maintain, and oversee a comprehensive assessment program that assesses student learning on both ACE and ACEJMC learning outcomes.

        8. Assess how the program is meeting the ACEJMC values and competencies and university general education requirements and will record those activities and results in the appropriate archive.

    4. Undergraduate Scholarship and Student Success Committee
      1. The scholarship and student success committee administers the college's scholarship programs, internship awards, and the college’s student competitions and advises the faculty and dean on the quality of the student experience and ways to improve that experience. The assistant director of student advising shall be the chair of the committee.

      2. The committee shall: 

        1. Establish policies and procedures for the awarding of undergraduate scholarships, internships, and student competition awards in the college of journalism and mass communications.

        2. Review all applications for undergraduate scholarships and awards and select recipients based upon donor agreements and established criteria. 

        3. Propose changes to the scholarship process to maximize the utilization of scholarship funds and ensure donor requirements are met. 

        4. Organize and oversee internship awards and internal student competitions in the college in accordance with donor requirements. 

        5. Oversee student organizations, promote student involvement in such organizations, and help sponsoring faculty members expand participation in the organizations.

        6. Assist in developing and promoting engagement of students in college and community through initiatives and events, including guest speakers and lectures on matters of interest to the college.

        7. Contribute to the college’s pursuit of accreditation through the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communications by facilitating the development of a strong case for those standards under the committee’s purview. 

    5. Graduate Program Committee

      1. The Graduate Program Committee is responsible for the quality of graduate education in journalism and mass communications and assuring that the curriculum is of such rigor as to prepare students for advanced employment in the field or further academic work in the discipline. The associate dean for academic programs shall be the chair of the committee.

      2. The committee shall

        1. Establish and maintain criteria for admittance to the college’s graduate programs
        2. Establish the process by which students are admitted, ensuring all decisions are made expeditiously by clearly established deadlines.

        3. Review the college’s graduate programs to ensure appropriate levels of rigor, academic and professional preparation, and integration across the media spectrum.

        4. Receive and review faculty proposals for changes to the curriculum by adding, eliminating, or altering courses, certificates, or programs. The committee may also make its own recommendations for such curriculum changes. The committee shall submit to the full graduate faculty for final approval any recommendations for curricular changes.

        5. Ensure the graduate bulletin and course catalog are accurate and currant.

        6. Assess industry and academy trends that could significantly affect academic programs and propose changes to ensure excellent career preparation for students.

        7. Coordinate with the college diversity committee to ensure the integration of issues of diversity, both domestic and global, throughout the graduate curriculum.

        8. Analyze the graduate programs for policies and procedures that are barriers to program retention, completion, and graduation and propose changes to improve the college’s retention and graduation rates. This should not be construed as requiring or encouraging a reduction in the overall rigor of the academic programs.

        9. Develop, maintain, and oversee a comprehensive assessment program that assesses student learning outcomes.

        10. Ensure and maintain graduate faculty status for all faculty who qualify. 
    6. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee
      1. The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee shall make recommendations for ensuring diverse representation in the college’s faculty, staff, and students; developing a culture of inclusion within the college; and ensuring issues of diversity and inclusion are infused throughout our curriculum. The associate dean for research and faculty affairs shall be the chair of the committee.

      2. The committee shall

        1. Propose to the faculty a diversity plan for the college that addresses diversity of faculty, staff, and students, college culture and climate, and college curriculum.

        2. Monitor and evaluate issues related to diversity and inclusion in the college and advise the dean on changes to policies and procedures needed to address issues.

        3. Ensure implementation of the college’s diversity plan and monitor implementation to ensure success.

        4. Annually review the college’s diversity plan and make recommendations for changes.

        5. Advise the dean on new initiatives or changes to current initiatives, policies, or procedures needed to improve diversity and inclusion goals.

        6. Contribute to the college’s pursuit of accreditation through the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communications by facilitating the development of a strong case for those standards under the committee’s purview. 

    7. Technology and Infrastructure Committee
      1. The technology and infrastructure committee monitors the technology and physical needs of the college’s academic programs and develops proposals, initiatives, and programs to address those needs. The director of business and operations shall be the chair of the committee. 
      2. The committee shall

        1. Review the college’s capabilities, assess short-term and long-term needs, and develop a technology proposal that advances the college’s goals.

        2. Review and advise the dean and the faculty on the college’s plan for the allocation of technology resources and physical space.

        3. Provide advice and suggestions on major technology and infrastructure initiatives.

        4. Assess trends that could significantly affect the college, including opportunities to take advantage of emerging technologies.

        5. Provide for faculty and staff technology training.

        6. Make recommendations concerning technology policy or space utilization in the college.

        7. Contribute to the college’s pursuit of accreditation through the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communications by facilitating the development of a strong case for those standards under the committee’s purview. 

    8. Research, Scholarship, and Awards Committee
      1. The Research, Scholarship, and Awards Committee fosters research, scholarship, and creative activity by the college faculty and students; oversees college awards recognizing achievement in such areas; and assists faculty in pursing university and external funding and awards. The associate dean for research and faculty affairs shall be the chair of the committee.

      2. The committee shall:

        1. Receive and review nominations or applications for college awards recognizing faculty achievement and recommend award recipients.

        2. Review university awards available to faculty and the criteria for them and nominate or encourage applications from faculty who may qualify for such awards.

        3. Consult with university offices on external awards for which college faculty may be eligible and nominate or encourage applications from such faculty.

        4. Announce when endowed professorships become available and solicit applications from faculty.

        5. Review applications from faculty for professorships and make recommendations to the dean for awarding professorships.

        6. Recommend awards the college could establish and the criteria for such awards.

        7. Contribute to the college’s pursuit of accreditation through the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communications by facilitating the development of a strong case for those standards under the committee’s purview. 

    9. Student Competitions Committee      
      1. The Student Competitions Committee oversees and coordinates the entry of works by students majoring in journalism, broadcasting, or sports communication into external competitions and awards programs to gain recognition of student achievements and elevate the reputation of the college. 
      2. The committee shall:

        1. Tracking competition opportunities and deadlines and communicating those opportunities to faculty, staff and students

        2. Soliciting eligible student work for entry into competitions from students and faculty
        3. Making informed decisions about the competitiveness of student work and final decisions about entries
        4. Maintain accounts with awarding organizations and entering work into competitions
        5. Tracking and reporting on award recipients
        6. Facilitating the collection of information include photographs and biographical information on award recipients
        7. The student competitions committee is composed of two faculty members from each major.
        8. Contribute to the college’s pursuit of accreditation through the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communications by facilitating the development of a strong case for those standards under the committee’s purview.