All faculty and staff of the college are appointed. Meetings once per month (more if special discussions needed), guests invited as needed. Chaired by dean. Meeting notes distributed to the college.


Retreat: Aug. 19, 2021
  1. Bylaws
  2. Policies & Procedures
  3. Ph.D. Proposal
Sept. 10, 2021
  1. Bylaws
  2. Policies & Procedures
  3. Ph.D. Proposal

Oct. 8, 2021



Experience Lab

  1. Course Schedule & Work Hours
  2. Story Spreadsheet & Story Tips
  3. Experience Lab Applications
  4. Connecting Young Nebraskans
  5. Ribbon Cutting  Event

Executive Committee

  1. Bylaws
  2. Policies & Procedures (including Promotion & Tenure)
  3. Student Worker Policy
  4. Accreditation Plan

Strategic Planning Committee

  1. Surveys
  1. To approve Bylaws proposal, Motion: Exec Committee
    1. To amend Section 11.C.2 of the bylaws to read, “Two-thirds of the college faculty will constitute a quorum. A two-thirds vote of those in attendance will be required to pass a motion.” Motion: Weber, Second: Marron
      1. To vote on the amendment by secret ballot. Motion: Yan, Second: Sharder. Approved by voice vote. 
      2. Approved by secret ballot. 17 in favor, 15 against. 
    2. Approved by voice vote. 
      1. To revote by secret ballot. Motion: Yan, Second: Shrader. Approved by voice vote. 
    3. Approved by secret ballot, 22 in favor, 6 against, 2 abstain. 
Nov. 12, 2021

Executive Committee

  1. Bylaws
  2. Policies & Procedures (including Promotion & Tenure)
  3. Student Worker Policy
  4. Accreditation Plan
  5. Building Hours & Access Policy

Undergraduate Committee

  1. JOMC 197, 197H, 297, 297H, 397, 397H, 497, 497H
  2. Experience Lab Requirement
  3. Max Credit Hours
  4. Social Justice, Human Rights and the Media Requirement 

Graduate Committee

  1. JOMC 892: Pop-up Course

Research, Creative Activity and Awards Committee

  1. External Awards Tip Sheet
  2. External Awards Flyer
  3. External Awards Deadlines

Strategic Planning Committee

  1. Surveys
  2. Priorities