The instructions below are intended to help clarify what needs to be submitted for a faculty member's annual review in the College of Journalism and Mass Communications. These instructions are superseded by the college's promotion and tenure guidelines and the university's promotion and tenure guidelines and are subject to change. These instructions apply to tenure-track and non-tenure-track faculty, except lecturer/ts. Submissions should be prepared in accordance with the faculty member's apportionment.
The purpose of the annual review process is to provide each faculty member an opportunity to engage in self-assessment and goal setting relative to his or her work and career; provide an opportunity for the faculty member and an administrator to discuss the faculty member’s contributions to the work of the college and to identify possible areas of excellence and areas of continuing development as well as ways to support accomplishing that development, and to support the career development of each full- and part-time faculty member and strengthen the College as a whole.
Annual Documentation Submission
Faculty members are required to submit documentation of their accomplishments between January 1 and December 31. All items must be submitted by 5 p.m. on the third Friday in January for the previous calendar year.
As in the past, faculty should submit narratives of their accomplishments for the past year, broken down by teaching, research, service, administration and extension. For this year, please insert those narratives in the linked CoJMC Annual Review Submission Form in the designated places.
Teaching Evaluations
The dean's office will run student teaching evaluations for inclusion in your annual review materials.
Digital Measures Report
Faculty members should update their information in Faculty Insight/Digital Measures. Attached is an explanation (UNL Apportionment Guidelines) of what activities fall into what categories: teaching, research, service, extension, administration. Also attached is a document (UNL Faculty Insight-Apportionment Help Document) explaining how to access Faculty Insight/Digital Measures. Instructions to run the report are available here.
Update Digital Measures Digital Measures Guide
Curriculum Vitae
Please submit an updated copy of your curriculum vitae. If your digital measures record is completely up-to-date there is an option to run a report that will generate a CV for you. However, you can submit your CV in whatever format works best for you.
Please submit the Annual Review Form, your Digital Measures/Faculty Insight Report and your COVID-19 Impact Statement using the button below.
Review Phase | Review Step | Deadline | Person Responsible |
Submission | Submission of Annual Documentation (see above) | 3rd Friday in January | Faculty Member |
Submission of Teaching Observation(s) | 3rd Friday in January | Dean/Associate Dean | |
Meeting | Schedule Annual Review Meetings | 4th Friday in January | Dean/Associate Dean |
Annual Review Meeting | 2nd Friday in March | Faculty Member & Dean/Associate Dean | |
Draft Letter | Draft Annual Review Letter | Last Friday in March | Dean/Associate Dean |
Faculty Feedback on Letter | 2nd Friday in April | Faculty Member | |
Letter | Final Letter to Faculty Member | Last Friday in April | Dean/Associate Dean |
Response to Letter (if any) | 14 days after issuance of the final letter | Faculty Member |
Final letters will be routed to the faculty member using DocuSign. Faculty members will have 30 days following the final letter's issuance to sign and upload a response (if any). If the faculty member fails to sign the letter within the 30 days, an unsigned copy of the letter will be placed in the faculty member's personnel file.
Additional Information
Missed deadline means ineligible for merit raises
Our college included a provision on July 1, 2016, update to the promotion and tenure guidelines that ties submission of evaluation materials to eligibility for merit raises.
Signing your letter is required to indicate you have seen it
The UNL Guidelines document, item #8 on page 9, states: "The written evaluation must be shared with the faculty member and it shall be signed by the faculty member, which indicates that the person has seen the document. The faculty member's signature does not imply concurrence with the contents."