
If you are a voting member of the faculty, please bring a laptop or smartphone with you to the meeting. Please log into before the meeting begins. 

  1. Review of April 12, 2024
  2. March Kudos
    1. Nominator - Rick Alloway. Rick nominated Maria Marron. Maria provided a guest lecture to my Media Ethics & Society students about the intersection of media, ethics and government. She brought in a wide range of print articles and video clips of election advertising, candidate debates, talk shows and other forms of political content as examples of how media coverage of politics and government has changed over the decades. She also posed questions to the students about ethical issues associated with political coverage and the "turnstyle" effect of people sliding back and forth between jobs in government and as media commentators. Thanks, Maria.
    2. Nominee - Alisa Smith. Alisa was nominated by Haley Hamel. Alisa has played a pivotal role in our priority registration, meeting with an impressive number of students while adeptly managing a multitude of other responsibilities. Her ability to effectively navigate and resolve the challenges and roadblocks that have arisen during the registration period has been nothing short of remarkable. We are immensely grateful for Alisa's resilience and dedication, which have significantly contributed to the smooth running of our registration process. Thank you, Alisa, for your outstanding efforts and commitment.
  3. Announcements
  4. Old Business
    1. Hiring Update
    2. Budget Update
  5. Committee Plans and Reports
    1. Executive Committee
      1. Announcements
      2. Votes
        1. To approve emeriti status for Michelle Hassler
    2. Strategic Planning Committee
    3. Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
      1. Announcements
        1. ACE Assessment
        2. Esports Media and Communication Certificate Update
        3. UNL Class Attendance Policy
      2. Votes
        1. Require BRDC 372: Broadcast News Writing for Audio and BRDC 374: News Videography for Broadcasting News majors, replacing the 300-level “required electives” options
        2. Proposal to update the College Assessment Plan | Executive Summary | Direct & Indirect Measures | Revisions and Timeline
      3. Canvas Analytics  - Amy Ort
    4. Graduate Program Committee
      1. Announcements
        1. Sports Promotion Certificate Update
        2. Graduate Assistant Update
        3. Accelerated Master's Program
      2. Votes
        1. Proposal to adopt the graduate handbook for the college's graduate program
    5. Undergraduate Scholarships & Student Success Committee
    6. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee
      1. Announcements
    7. Research, Creative Activity & Awards Committee
      1. Announcements
    8. Technology & Infrastructure Committee
      1. Announcements
        1. KRNU Website
        2. KRNU Bid
        3. Studio B (third floor) 
        4. Freedom Forum
        5. Transition to Drupal 10 
        6. Production Elements Software
    9. Student Competitions Committee
  6. Upcoming Events and Deadlines
    1. May 10-11 - JOMC 134 Final Presentations
    2. May 10 - Global Eyewitness Final Presentation
    3. May 17 - Senior Sendoff
    4. August 20 - All College Retreat
    5. August 22 - Adobe Premiere Pro Online Training
