  1. Review of Minutes
  2. Announcements
    1. Experience Lab Updates
      1. Heartland Webzine Launched
      2. Nebraska Nightly Launched
      3. Application Numbers
  3. Old Business
    1. Hiring Updates
    2. Bylaws
    3. Policies and procedures
  4. New Business
    1. Committee Plans & Reports
      1. Executive
        1. Motions
          1. Student Worker Policy
          2. Accreditation Plan
          3. Building Hours and Access Policy
      2. Undergraduate Curriculum
        1. Announcements
          1. CAPS Big Red Folder
          2. Trend Analysis and Student Success Plan
          3. UNL Syllabus Policies
        2. Motions
          1. JOMC 306
          2. JOMC 197, 197H, 297, 297H, 297, 397H, 497 and 497H
          3. JOMC 197, 297 and 397
          4. JOMC 222
          5. Credit Hours outside the major requirements 
      3. Graduate Program
        1. Announcements
          1. December Grads
          2. New Admits
          3. Admission Numbers
        2. Motions
          1. JOMC 892
      4. Undergraduate Scholarship and Student Success
        1. Announcements
          1. BL Design Competition
          2. Emergency Scholarships
      5. Diversity Equity & Inclusion
        1. Announcements
          1. Mekita Rivas, First Gen
          2. Critical Race Theory Panel
          3. Diversity Plan
      6. Research, Creative Activity and College  Awards
        1. Announcements
          1. 2022 Promotions
          2. External Awards
          3. Upcoming Workshops
      7. Technology & Infrastructure
        1. Announcements
          1. Classroom Updates
          2. Studio Plans
      8. Strategic Planning
        1. Announcements
          1. Survey Plans
          2. Priorities
  5. Upcoming Events & Deadlines
    1. Nov. 16, 2-4 p.m. - Humanizing Grand Challenges
    2. Nov. 17 - Flair Applications Due
    3. Nov. 17 - College of Architecture Research Discussion
    4. Nov. 19 - Grant Support Brown Bag
    5. Dec. 3 - Grand Challenges Discussion
    6. Dec. 8 - Holiday Party
    7. Dec. 9 - Travel Training
    8. Dec. 9 - Centering your Proposal's DEI Plan
    9. Jan. 11 - Grand Challenges Jumpstart 


  1. To approve the October Minutes. Motion: Weber, second, Marron. Approved by voice vote. 
  2. To approve the Bylaws with amendments from Judy Walker. Motion, Exec Committee. 27 in favor. Motion approved. 
    1. To include a provision that would require a secret ballot for votes on the Bylaws. Motion, Valerie Jones. Second, Frauke Hachtmann. 23 in favor. Motion approved. 
  3. To approve the Student Worker Policy. Motion, Exec Committee. 27 in favor. Motion approved. 
  4. To approve the College Accreditation Plan. Motion, Exec Committee. 27 in favor. Motion approved. 
  5. To approve the Building Hours and Access Policy. Motion, Exec Committee, 27 in favor. Motion approved. 
  6. To remove JOMC 206 as a pre-requisite for JOMC 306. Motion, Undergrad committee, 23 in favor, 3 abstain. Motion approved. 
  7. To establish experience lab courses JOMC 197, 197H, 297, 297H, 297, 397H, 497 and 497H. Motion, undergrad committee. 25 in favor. Motion approved. 
  8. To establish three credit hours of the Experience Lab, JOMC 197, 297 and 397, as a requirement for all majors. Motion, undergrad committee. 24 in favor. Motion approved. 
  9. To increase the maximum number of credit hours an undergraduate student can enroll in during a semester from 18 to 19. Motion, Undergrad Committee. 25 in favor, 1 against. Motion approved. 
  10. To require the completion of JOMC 222 Social Justice, Human Rights and the Media by all majors in the college. Motion, Undergrad Committee. 22 in favor, 1 against. Motion approved. 
  11. To reduce the number of credit hours required outside the college from 72 to 66. Motion, undergrad committee. 24 in favor. Motion approved. 

Full Minutes