By the Numbers: Alumni Survey 2021-2022

Monday, May 2, 2022 - 9:00am

Over the past few weeks, the college reviewed the results of the 2020-2021 alumni survey and senior exit survey. The college has recently conducted another alumni survey to determine if the results have changed. The top five areas of concern, outcomes 4,5, 8,11 and 12, remained the same in 2022. However, a review of breakouts by major, graduation decade, race and gender indicate that outcome 3 is also a concern. 


Overall, the alumni and senior exit surveys indicate improvements are needed on outcomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11 and 12. The strategic planning committee recently reviewed these surveys to determine what actions the college has taken to address these results and to make recommendations to further address the learning outcomes. 

Closing the Loop 

Addressing outcome 9  
In 2017-2018, the college conducted a comprehensive review of writing courses. The report's recommendations went into effect in 2019-202 and we should begin to see increases in responses on this measure in the 2022-2023 senior exit survey.  
Addressing outcomes 5 and 12  
In 2019-2020, the college conducted a review of the communication design program. Implementation of these recommendations is ongoing.  
Addressing outcomes 3 and 4  
In 2020-2021, the college reviewed issues of diversity and inclusion within the curriculum and established a requirement that all majors complete JOMC 22: Social Justice, Human Rights and the Media as a graduation requirement. We should begin to see increases in responses on outcome 3 in the 2025-2026 senior exit survey.  
The strategic planning committee has developed two recommendations to improve responses on the remaining outcomes.  
Recommendation for outcomes 1 and 2: The curriculum committee should review the foundational course, JOMC 101: Principles of Mass Media and Communications, and, based upon that review, propose changes to the course to strengthen these learning outcomes.  
Recommendation for outcomes 8 and 11: The curriculum committee should establish a standalone required course within each of our majors that is specific to the research and data analysis skills needed in each discipline.