Establishing a solid routine now will not only help you navigate the semester successfully, but it can also help you maintain a healthy balance between school, work and life. Try incorporating these tips into your daily schedule.
- Get and Stay Organized: Write down all upcoming assignments, projects, tests, quizzes, and deadlines in one place. Figure out what works for you. Some students use an online calendar, some use an old-fashioned planner, some use a whiteboard.
- Check Canvas daily: Login to each course you are taking first thing in the morning and then again in the evening. Make sure you click on Grades as this is the easiest place to see due dates and late/missed assignments.
- Connect with your Classmates: Even the strongest students have questions. Make sure you find out the names of students sitting by you in class. At some point in the semester, you will have a question about an assignment or test. Establishing a connection with classmates allows you to reach out easier when you have questions.
- Connect with your Instructors: Your instructor is your best resource. Please take advantage of their office hours and make a connection before you need something. Think of your instructor as an ally. They want you to succeed and would be happy to answer questions.
- Read the Syllabus: Many smaller questions can be answered by looking at the syllabus. The syllabus and Canvas should be your first stops before you reach out with questions about things like due dates or class policies. If you still have questions after reading the syllabus and Canvas, reach out to your instructor for clarification.
- Know and Utilize your Resources: College isn’t easy, but we have many campus resources designed to support you. These are just a few of the resources available to you. Don’t see something here? Ask your advisor and they can get you connected with the correct resource.
- Academic Advisor- Seek an academic advisor (Alisa Smith, Karez Hassan, Vannessa Killen, and Rachel Nozicka) to discuss degree planning, course selection, and scheduling questions.
- Academic Navigator – Seek out our academic Navigator (Sara Troupe) if you need assistance organizing the semester, if you are falling behind, or struggling in a class
- Career Development – Seek out our Career Development Specialist (Natalie Becerra) to develop professional skills, to discuss internships and to discuss career plans.
- CAST (Center for Academic Success and Transition) – Seek out CAST for one-on-one academic coaching, tutoring and peer mentoring. They also offer drop-in appointments!
- Student Advocacy and Support – This office supports the safety, health, and well-being of students experiencing personal hardships and/or health-related concerns or emergencies
- CAPS (Counseling and Psychological Services) – Counseling and Psychological Services is a multidisciplinary team of psychologists and counselors that works collaboratively with Nebraska students to help them explore their feelings and thoughts and learn helpful ways to improve their mental, psychological and emotional well-being when issues arise.
- SSD (Services for Students with Disabilities) – Whether you have a physical disability, learning disability, ADHD, chronic health issue, mental health condition, complications with a pregnancy, long Covid, temporary injury or other condition, SSD would like to visit with you. SSD meets and facilitates access on an individualized, case-by-case basis.
- Husker Hub – At Husker Hub you can get assistance with class registration, transcripts, enrollment verification, student bills, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), scholarships, grants, student/parent loans and work-study as you plan your path toward graduation.
- Prioritize Physical and Mental Health: Busy schedules and coursework can cause students to put self-care aside. Don’t let this happen to you. Make sure to include exercise, healthy eating, and rest in your routine.
- Don’t Wait to Ask Questions: Get ahead of potential problems and issues by asking questions right away. Remember, it is likely other students have similar questions.