Internship Support

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Internships offer students invaluable, real-world experience and the opportunity to build a professional portfolio that reflects their individual strengths and career aspirations. To support our students in these endeavors, we offer competitive internship awards that provide cash assistance to help offset the costs of low-paid or unpaid internships, ensuring students can pursue meaningful opportunities regardless of financial constraints.

Internship Awards

Advertising and Public Relations

Deb Fiddelke Fund

The Deb Fiddelke Scholarship Fund supports students pursuing unpaid or underpaid internships in the advertising and public relations field.

Eligibility: Your summer internship must be outside of Nebraska and in a larger market than Lincoln/Omaha.

Applications open in April


Rural Journalism Fellowship Award

The Rural Journalism Fellowship award is available to students who have a journalism or broadcasting internship during the summer.

Eligibility: During your internship, you must do 50% or more of your reporting in a rural community outside of the Lincoln or Omaha areas.

Applications open in April

Advertising and Public Relations

Kris Malkoski Fund

The Kris Malkoski Scholarship Fund supports advertising and public relations majors pursuing unpaid or underpaid internships.

Eligibility: You must be a declared advertising and public relations major with a low paying or unpaid summer internship.

Applications open in April


Nelson Dream Big Fund

The Dream Big award is available to students who have secured print journalism internships at major national publications. 

Eligibility: You must be a declared journalism major who has demonstrated academic excellence and secured a news editorial internship at a top newspapers, magazines, news websites, or news services in these major media markets:  New York, Boston, Washington DC, Los Angeles and Chicago. 

Apply Now

Advertising and Public Relations

J. Steve Davis Jump Start Fund

The J. Steve Davis Jump Start Fund supports students pursuing advertising internships in large metropolitan markets outside of Nebraska.

Eligibility: You must have an ADPR-focused internship in a large metropolitan market outside Nebraska. This award can be given to any CoJMC major.

Applications open in April

Sports Media and Communication

Dana and Lynn Roper Fund

The Dana and Lynn Roper Fund supports students pursuing sports media and communications majors pursuing unpaid or underpaid internships.

Eligibility: You must be a sports media and communications major with an unpaid or low paying summer internship that's located in a top market ("top market" is determined by the college's scholarship and student success committee).

Applications open in April