Check out the clubs, organizations and out-of-class experiences that help you become the professional you want to be. Learn more about all that is waiting for you here at the CoJMC.
Student Clubs & Organizations
Ad Club
Ad Club focuses on personal and professional development, opportunities for networking and great activities to unwind outside of class. You will learn about the ins and outs of the advertising industry monthly with Ad Club.
Meeting Time & Location: Ad Club meets monthly on Thursdays from 5:00-6:00 p.m. in Andersen Hall; location varies.
Professional Affiliation: American Advertising Federation
Who Should Join: Ad Club is for students in advertising/public relations, graphic design, marketing and any other related fields who will find the club relevant to their academic/professional goals.
President: Brianna Dahl
Faculty Advisor: Brian Hubbard
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Nebraska Broadcasting Society (NBS)
NBS lets you meet and work with others to explore and gain expertise in producing broadcast and multimedia content. Recent projects include a TV game show, radio drama, podcast, and comedy newscast. You can also submit to national contests and qualify for Alpha Epsilon Rho (AERho), the national broadcasting honorary society.
Meeting Time & Location: NBS meets weekly in the Meier Studio on the second floor of Andersen Hall. Day/time TBA (changes each semester).
Professional Affiliation: Broadcast Education Association (BEA)
Who Should Join: Students interested in broadcasting and multimedia production who want to gain hands-on experience, network with others and receive mentorship.
President: Jakob Fisher
Faculty Advisor: Laurie Lee
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Open Lens Camera Club
The Open Lens Camera Club is a place where all visual creators, whether still or video, can come together to show their work and get open and honest feedback in a safe constructive manner. The goal is to give students who are passionate about photography/videography the impetus to create new work.
Meeting Time & Location: The initial meeting will be Tuesday, Sept. 10 from 5-6pm., in 333 Andersen Hall. During the meeting we'll discuss how often we meet and what day.
Who Should Join: Any student who is interested in photography/videography. Students should come with some base knowledge since the group will be focused on showing work.
President: TBD
Faculty Advisors: Shoun Hill
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Public Relations Student Society of America
Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) is the foremost organization for students interested in public relations and communications. The PRSSA chapter at UNL plans and implements public relations campaigns for community organizations, hosts professionals as guest speakers and connects members with mentors who guide them on their career paths.
Meeting Time & Location: Alternating Thursdays, 5-6 p.m., in Andersen Hall (except for agency tours and other special events). Follow @unlprssa on Instagram for specific dates and locations.
Professional Affiliation: Public Relations Society of America (PRSA)
Who Should Join: Students interested in public relations, communications, or marketing who want to gain hands-on experience, network with professionals and receive mentorship in their career paths.
Club President: Ella Stine
Faculty Advisor: Dave Remund
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Nebraska Esports
Nebraska Esports provides a fun, social space for the many people who play video games of all skill levels and interests at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln through organized events. We also pursue to promote the growth and competition of the esports community and camaraderie between all students and gamers affiliated.
Meeting Time & Location: Nebraska Esports is semi-remote with each team scheduling their own practice times and community events. Communication is primarily through Discord. [Discord invite link:]
Who Should Join: Students interested in video games, esports or nerd culture.
President: Z Gividen
Faculty Advisors: Ryan Tan, Ahman Green and Alan Eno
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Student Advisory Board
CoJMC's Student Advisory Board consists of students from all majors and grade levels within the college. They are the connection between the students and the dean. They collect students' questions, concerns, and comments while also planning events for them to enjoy.
Meeting Time & Location: Alternating Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m. in Andersen Hall room 120.
Who Should Join: All CoJMC students are welcome to apply in the fall to be on the board. Applications open the 2nd week of school.
President: Cady Blackstock
Faculty Advisor: Nicole Blackstock
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Society of Professional Journalists
The Society of Professional Journalists is the nation’s most broad-based journalism organization, dedicated to encouraging the free practice of journalism and stimulating high standards of ethical behavior. SPJ promotes the free flow of information vital to a well-informed citizenry.
Meeting Time & Location: Tuesday from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. (location TBD)
Professional Affiliation: Society of Professional Journalists
Who Should Join: All College of Journalism and Mass Communications majors interested in the practice of journalism, the First Amendment and networking with media professionals and other CoJMC students.
President: Maja Tate
Faculty Advisor: Chris Graves

Multicultural Students in Media
The Multicultural Students in Media Club at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln offers a supportive and educational space for POC journalism students and their allies to connect. Through organized discussions and events, the club focuses on understanding the lived experiences of multicultural students and equips members with the knowledge and tools to navigate these important topics in the media workforce. We strive to foster a community of inclusivity, learning and professional growth for all students engaged in media and communication.
Meeting Time & Location: Tuesdays 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. | 120 Andersen Hall
Who Should Join: The club is open anyone interested in fostering a more diverse and inclusive community at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and in journalism and mass communications industries.
President: Sam Mueggenberg
Faculty Advisors: Shoun Hill