Faculty Travel

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Memorandum of Absence

All travel at CoJMC must comply with the University of Nebraska and College of Journalism travel policy and procedures. 


The College of Journalism and Mass Communications does not pay mileage for any travel within the City of Lincoln, including transportation to the airport.


It is expected that faculty with assigned discretionary funding will utilize that funding to support their travel. This may include start-up funding, professorship funding or other professional development or support funds. If faculty exhaust their start-up, professional development or support funds, they may apply for funding through the Seacrest travel grant program.

Faculty with discretionary funding from professorships are ineligible to apply for funding through the Seacrest Grant program. 

Seacrest Grant Program

Qualifying faculty may apply for travel funding through the Seacrest Travel grant program. Qualifying faculty are those who hold a full-time position in the college, include tenured, tenure-track, professors of practice and lecturers, and who are not otherwise limited by the provisions above.

Faculty may apply for Seacrest travel funds by completing the memorandum of absence. Awards will be limited to $1,500 for faculty who are presenting a paper or poster, moderating or presenting on a panel, or serving in a leadership role at a conference or other event. Documentation of activity is required to receive funding.  Faculty are limited to one award per fiscal year. Funding will be based on the availability of funds. Seacrest grant funds cannot be used to support student travel expenses.

Travel Process

1Travel Authorization

Complete the Memorandum of Absence

  • This is your funding authorization or request for a Seacrest Travel Grant
  • This is also your required college notification of travel
2Travel Authorization

Receive your approved Memorandum of Absence

  • This will contain the cost center/WBS element to use in subsequent steps
3Travel Authorization

Complete a pre-trip authorization in Firefly

  • Your pre-trip should accurately reflect the amount you are approved to spend in your approved memo of absence
4Travel Arrangements

Make travel arrangements

  • See the guide to travel arrangements below

Conduct travel

  • Save itemized receipts for all expenses except meals
  • If you are traveling internationally, your receipts must be translated to English
6Travel Expenses

Submit Expense Report in Firefly

  • Your expense report must be submitted within 60 days of your return


Resources for Traveling at UNL

  1. University main Travel Page
  2. Step-by-step guide to travel procedures
  3. Travel Policy
  4. Online training sessions
  5. Video Tutorials
  6. How-to instructions

Guide to Travel Arrangments for Faculty

This guide is specific to faculty travel arrangements. For instructions on traveling with students, please visit https://journalism.unl.edu/travel-students.


  • Faculty can drive personal vehicles during university-sponsored travel, only mileage will be reimbursed
  • Cars can be rented through UNL Transportation Services 
    • University vehicles should be used whenever possible
    • Driver authorization is required prior to rental request
    • Use the cost center provided in your memo of absence, code is 0443
  • Faculty can rent cars through rental car agencies
    • Faculty must pay and seek reimbursement upon return


  • Airfare arrangements should be made through Concur. Contact Fox Travel before making airfare arrangements outside Concur.
    • Charges will be billed directly to the University
    • Use the cost center provided in your memo of absence approval

Registration Fees

  • Registration fees are the only travel expense that can be charged to a PCard
  • You will be directed on who can assist you with purchasing registrations. 
    • Registration payments will only be made after your pre-trip is approved


  • Faculty can make lodging arrangements using Concur
  • Concur cannot accommodate conference rates. To take advance of conference rates, you must pay for lodging and seek reimbursement upon return.


  • Meals are paid on a per-diem basis
  • Concur will calculate your meal reimbursement when you submit your expense report
  • Do not pay for others' meals (including other faculty) during travel

Taxis & Fares

  • Faculty must pay for taxis and fares during travel and seek reimbursement upon return
  • Receipts are required


  • Faculty can seek reimbursement for business-related expenses upon return
  • Receipts are required for all expenses

Memo of Absence

A completed memo of absence is required for all travel during the academic year and business travel during the summer. The memo of absence serves as your required notification to the dean of your absence and, if needed, your application for Seacrest travel funds.

Memo of Absence