
If you are a voting member of the faculty, please bring a laptop or smartphone with you to the meeting. Please log into before the meeting begins. 

  1. Review of February Minutes
  2. Kudos
    1. Nominator: Kristian Anderson
      1. Kristian nominated Matt Waite: Matt took the time to help with a couple extra classes. He heard there was a need and stepped in and took whatever task was handed to him. His help and support were indispensable and allowed us to keep the week on track. Thank you.
    2. Nominee:  Adam Wagler
      1. Adam was nominated by Parviz Jamalov. Adam is a true role model and the beacon of hope for us, the graduate students. I appreciate his wise advice and willingness to support my academic studies as well as extracurricular initiatives I am involved in! UNL CoJMC is privileged to have Mr. Wagler on board. He has the gift of empathy that he is generously bestowing upon graduate students!
  3. Open Access Publishing Options - Melissa Gomis - UNL Libraries
  4. Dean's Report
    1. Best Practices Guide for Publishing - Chris Graves
    2. Upcoming Recruitment Activities - Alex Fernando
    3. Budget Update
    4. Diversity Page
    5. Committee Notes
      1. Executive Committee
        1. Barney McCoy - Professor Emeritus
      2. Strategic Planning Committee
  5. AD Academic Programs Report
    1. Academic Program Announcements
    2. Committee Notes
      1. Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
      2. Graduate Program Committee 
  6. AD Faculty Affairs Report
    1. Annual Review Updates
    2. Promotion/Tenure/Midterm Review Updates
    3. Community Conversations Update
    4. Committee Notes
      1. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee
        1. Assessment Plan Revisions
        2. April 14 Event
      2. Research and Awards Committees
        1. Writing Days: March 24 and 28
        2. AEJMC Diversity Award
        3. Research Lab Software 
  7. Committee Plans & Reports
    1. Scholarships & Student Success Committee
    2. Technology & Infrastructure Committee
    3. Student Competitions Committee
    4. Advertising and Public Relations Major
    5. Broadcasting Major
    6. Journalism Major
    7. Sports Media & Communications Major
    8. Staff Council
  8. Upcoming Events & Deadlines
    1. March 24: J.J. Jurgens Visit
    2. March 25: Ed Yong, E.N. Thompson Forum
    3. March 27: Seline Lecture: Jeff Zeleny and Aaron Sanderford