If you are a voting member of the faculty, please bring a laptop or smartphone with you to the meeting. Please log into before the meeting begins.
- Review of February Minutes
- Kudos
- Nominator: Kristian Anderson
- Kristian nominated Matt Waite: Matt took the time to help with a couple extra classes. He heard there was a need and stepped in and took whatever task was handed to him. His help and support were indispensable and allowed us to keep the week on track. Thank you.
- Nominee: Adam Wagler
- Adam was nominated by Parviz Jamalov. Adam is a true role model and the beacon of hope for us, the graduate students. I appreciate his wise advice and willingness to support my academic studies as well as extracurricular initiatives I am involved in! UNL CoJMC is privileged to have Mr. Wagler on board. He has the gift of empathy that he is generously bestowing upon graduate students!
- Nominator: Kristian Anderson
- Open Access Publishing Options - Melissa Gomis - UNL Libraries
- Dean's Report
- Best Practices Guide for Publishing - Chris Graves
- Upcoming Recruitment Activities - Alex Fernando
- Budget Update
- Diversity Page
- Committee Notes
- Executive Committee
- Barney McCoy - Professor Emeritus
- Strategic Planning Committee
- Executive Committee
- AD Academic Programs Report
- Academic Program Announcements
- Committee Notes
- Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
- Graduate Program Committee
- AD Faculty Affairs Report
- Annual Review Updates
- Promotion/Tenure/Midterm Review Updates
- Community Conversations Update
- Committee Notes
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee
- Assessment Plan Revisions
- April 14 Event
- Research and Awards Committees
- Writing Days: March 24 and 28
- AEJMC Diversity Award
- Research Lab Software
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee
- Committee Plans & Reports
- Scholarships & Student Success Committee
- Technology & Infrastructure Committee
- Student Competitions Committee
- Advertising and Public Relations Major
- Broadcasting Major
- Journalism Major
- Sports Media & Communications Major
- Staff Council
- Upcoming Events & Deadlines
- March 24: J.J. Jurgens Visit
- March 25: Ed Yong, E.N. Thompson Forum
- March 27: Seline Lecture: Jeff Zeleny and Aaron Sanderford