
If you are a voting member of the faculty, please bring a laptop or smartphone with you to the meeting. Please log into before the meeting begins. 

  1. Review of April 7, 2023, minutes
  2. April Kudos
  3. Announcements
    1. Required Annual Sexual Misconduct Training | Policy | Training
  4. Old Business
    1. Hiring Updates
  5. New Business
    1. Committee Plans & Reports
      1. Executive Committee
        1. Motions
          1. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Plan
      2. Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
        1. Motions
          1. Esports Media and Communication Undergraduate Certificate
          2. TMFD Communications Prerequisite 
          3. SPMC 451: Sports Media and Communication Capstone
        2. Announcements
          1. Online Capstone
          2. ACE Updates
          3. Curriculum Review Committee from Industry
          4. ACEJMC Matrix
          5. Accessibility Bridge Training
          6. Amy Ort Presentation on Accessibility
      3. Graduate Program Committee
        1. Announcements
          1. Sports Promotion Certificate Update
          2. Jacht Program Promotion Update
          3. Grad Apps By The Numbers
          4. GA Update
          5. Financial Communications Certificate Update
          6. Ph.D. Proposal Update
      4. Undergraduate Scholarships & Student Success Committee
      5. Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee
      6. Research, Creative Activity & Awards Committee
      7. Technology and Infrastructure Committee
        1. Announcements
          1. BloxDigital
          2. EM 16
          3. Annual Equipment Inventory
          4. Isilon Transition 
          5. Drupal Transition
      8. Strategic Planning Committee
      9. Student Competitions Committee
  6. Upcoming Events & Deadlines
    1. May 17: Family Reunion
    2. May 19: Graduate Commencement and Senior Send-off
    3. May 20: Undergraduate Commencement