
  1. Review of December Minutes
  2. Presentation and Q&A with Barbara Woodhead and Pablo Rangle, Services for Students with Disabilities 
  3. Announcements
    1. Experiences Survey
    2. Journalism/Broadcasting/Sports Media Awards Committee
  4. Old Business
    1. Hiring Updates
    2. Policies & Procedures
  5. New Business
    1. Committee Plans & Reports
      1. Executive Committee
      2. Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
        1. Announcements
          1. Prereq checking
          2. Summer Study Abroad
          3. Experience Lab courses approved
      3. Graduate Program Committee
        1. Announcements
          1. JOUR and ADPR 4+1 programs
          2. Ph.D. Curriculum
      4. Undergraduate Scholarships & Student Success Committee
      5. Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee
      6. Research, Creative Activity & Awards Committee
        1. Grand Challenges Survey
      7. Technology and Infrastructure Committee
        1. AP Styleguide available
        2. Updated construction timelines
        3. 24-Hour N Card Access
        4. Beck TV Site Visit on Jan. 21
        5. Software under review
      8. Strategic Planning Committee
  6. Upcoming Events & Deadlines
    1. Jan. 19 - Conversation with Lisa Ling, RSVP required
    2. Jan. 25 - Scholarship Workshop
    3. Jan 26 - Scholarship Workshop
    4. Jan. 26, 3:30 p.m. - Student Club Fair
    5. Jan. 26, 5 p.m. - CoJMC Town Hall
    6. Jan. 27, 6:30 p.m. - Knowledge On Tap: Rick Alloway
    7. Feb. 4 - 5 - Intro to Data Journalism Workshop






Full Minutes