
If you are a voting member of the faculty, please bring a laptop or smartphone with you to the meeting. 

  1. Review of January Minutes
  2. Kudos January 2022
  3. Announcements
    1. Experience Lab Update
  4. Old Business
    1. Hiring Updates
    2. Policies & Procedures
  5. New Business
    1. Committee Plans & Reports
      1. Executive Committee
        1. Motions
          1. Motion 43: Professional Development Workshops
          2. Motion 44: Emeritus status for John Bender and Bruce Thorson
      2. Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
        1. Announcements
          1. 4th Week Canvas feedback  reminder
          2. Incompletes and correction rosters
          3. Pilot midterm grades
          4. Summer/Fall schedule update
          5. 52-hour majors impact on outside the college requirements
          6. Design tools for Canvas to use templating
        2. Motions
          1. Motion 48: Social Entrepreneurship Certificate
      3. Graduate Program Committee
        1. Announcements
          1. Faculty status
          2. Accelerated (4+1) programs
          3. Professional project outreach
      4. Undergraduate Scholarships & Student Success Committee
        1. Announcements
          1. Perry Challenge
          2. Grimes Memorial Study Abroad Competition
          3. Roper Sports Writing Competition
      5. Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee
      6. Research, Creative Activity & Awards Committee
      7. Technology and Infrastructure Committee
        1. Announcements
          1. Construction Updates
          2. NCard Access Policy Update
      8. Strategic Planning Committee
  6. Upcoming Events & Deadlines
    1. Feb. 24 - Knowledge on Tap: Jason Stamm
    2. Feb. 28 - Race in the Media Panel
    3. March 1 - Media Ethics Panel
    4. March 4-6 - Perry Challenge



  1. Maria Marron moved to vote on the emeriti status for Bruce Thorson and John Bender, John Shrader seconded the motion. Motion approved unanimously with 25 votes in favor, 0 against and 0 abstentions.  
  2. Motion to approve the CAS proposal to include JOMC 222 and JGEN 103 in the social entrepreneurship certificate came from the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee. Motion was approved with 25 in favor, 0 against and 0 abstentions.
  3. Motion to approve the professional development workshop proposal came from the Executive Committee. Motion was approved with 23 in favor, 0 against, 1 abstention.   



Full Minutes