Thesis/Creative Project

The thesis/creative process occurs over no less than two semesters. While students may begin the process earlier, it should be started no later than the first 4 weeks of your penultimate (second to last) semester before graduation. Students are encouraged to speak with their academic advisor before pursuing a Thesis/Creative Project.

Honors Thesis Timeline1Defend ThesisThesis/Creative ProjectProposalGet Ready & EnrollRelax & GraduateDefenseChair &TopicCommitteeTopicApprovalEnrollWeeksProposal ApprovalEnrollSchedule DefenseGraduatePenultimate SemesterFinal Semester

Theses/Creative Project Process

Penultimate Semester - 2nd 4 weeks
Step 1: Develop Topic Idea & Identify Faculty Advisor/Committee Chair

Identify a topic and a CoJMC faculty member with interest or expertise in the area. Your faculty advisor/committee chair must be a full-time faculty member in the college. Your academic advisor can help you narrow your topic and identify faculty who may be a good fit for your interests. You should contact the faculty member to request their service as your thesis advisor and committee chair. You will work with your advisor to finalize your topic. Your faculty advisor must be a faculty member in the College of Journalism and Mass Communications. 

Find Faculty

Step 2: Identify your Committee

The faculty adviser identified in step 1 will serve as your committee chair. You must identify at least 1 and up to 2 additional faculty members to serve on your thesis committee. You should contact your additional committee member(s) to request their service before moving on to step 3.

Step 3: Submit your topic approval form

Submit the topic approval form. The form will be reviewed and approved by your committee and an electronic copy will be returned to you. The finished document will include the permission code required to enroll in the honors thesis course in MyRed.

Submit Topic Approval

Step 4: Enroll in MyRed

Using the permission code in your approved Topic Approval Form, you must enroll in 1 credit hour of ADPR 499H Honors Course or JOUR 499H Honors Course during your penultimate semester in MyRed.

Enroll in MyRed

Penultimate Semester - 2nd 4 weeks
Step 1: Prepare your Thesis Proposal

Working with your faculty advisor, complete the thesis proposal for your thesis/creative project. You should complete the proposal before moving on to step 2, as you will upload the proposal when completing your approval form. You can download a thesis proposal template by clicking the link below. 

Get the Template

Step 2: Submit your Thesis Proposal

After completing your project proposal, submit the thesis proposal for approval. The proposal will be reviewed by your faculty advisor and thesis committee member(s). A grade for your 1-credit hour of ADPR 499H Honors Course or JOUR 499H Honors Course will be entered upon approval of the proposal. A second permission code will be included in the completed proposal approval form. You will use this permission code in the next step. A grade for your 1 credit hour honors course will be entered by the Undergraduate Chair based upon the completion of this document. 

Submit the Thesis Proposal

Step 3: Enroll in MyRed 

Using the permission code in your approved proposal form, you must enroll in 2 credit hours of ADPR 499H Honors Course or JOUR 499H Honors Course in MyRed during your final semester (or the semester following your enrollment in the 1-credit hour course). 

Enroll in MyRed

Penultimate Semester - last 8 weeks to Final Semester - 1st 6 weeks
Work on the Thesis/Creative Project

During this period you will work on and complete your thesis project. Your faculty adviser will be available to assist you during this time. You should stay in contact with them to ensure you are making adequate progress on your project. 

Final Semester - Weeks 7 and 8
Step 1: Schedule your oral defense

At the beginning of week 7, you should schedule your oral defense with your committee members. All committee members must participate in the defense. Your oral defense should be scheduled before the end of week 8 of your final semester to ensure adequate time for your graduation with distinction recommendation to be submitted to the university.

Step 2: Attend your Oral Defense

You should attend your scheduled oral defense and defend your thesis/creative project. Following your oral defense, your Faculty Advisor will submit an oral defense form documenting the completion of your thesis/creative project and making a recommendation on graduation with distinction. You will receive a final copy of the approved form. A grade for your 2 credit hour honors course will be entered by the Undergraduate Chair based upon the completion of this document. 

Your oral defense form should be initiated by your faculty advisor/committee chair.

Submit Oral Defense

Step 3: Get Ready to Graduate

Congratulations! You've completed the honors thesis process. 

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