Sharon Baldinelli
Assistant Professor of Practice Advertising & Public Relations University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
ANDN 217
Lincoln NE 68588-0443 - Phone
Sharon Baldinelli joined the faculty at the College of Journalism and Mass Communications in 2022, as an assistant professor of practice. Her teaching interests include strategy development in advertising and public relations, mass media, and health communication. She began serving on the Intercollegiate Athletics Committee in 2023.
Baldinelli worked for 25 years in the health care field in Florida, Texas, and Alabama. Her interest in health research began while working in an OBGYN research lab while earning her A.A. Areas she worked in included heart and lung transplant, adult cystic fibrosis, burn, and hematology oncology. After earning her Ph.D., she returned to the University of Florida and worked in bone marrow transplant research for GvHD and research for sickle cell disease. In this position, she served as the liaison with Emory University for hematology oncology research.
Baldinelli holds an A.A. in Nursing from Santa Fe College, a B.A. in sociology and M.P.H. from the University of Florida, and a Ph. D. in communication and information sciences from the University of Alabama. While completing her bachelors, she was awarded and completed a physician shadowship in high-risk OBGYN.
These education and work endeavors helped to mold Baldinelli's interests in global health outbreaks, community health, and how messages about health are conveyed and received. Baldinelli is currently working on a project with University Medical Center (UNMC), covering the past 20-year history of health outbreaks as responded to by the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN) working closely and under the World Health Organization (WHO). Other projects Baldinelli is working on include social media and drought conditions, media coverage of athletes' injuries and death, and improving health outcomes for rural populations. Baldinelli hopes her work will bring "better health outcomes to wider populations."
- Ph.D., University of Alabama, 2021
- MPH, University of Florida, 2015
- Graduate Certificate in Public Health, University of Florida, 2012
- BA, University of Florida, 2009
- AA, Sante Fe College, 1996