By the Numbers: Senior Exit Survey 20-21

April 4, 2022

Each semester the college conducts a survey with graduating seniors enrolled in the 098 courses. Included in the survey are 16 questions that aim to contribute to the college's assessment of student learning outcomes. These questions are an indirect measure of student learning because they do not evaluate the student's competence directly (like through an evaluation of their work or a test of their knowledge) but instead ask students to self-report on their competence. The senior exit survey is one of five measures (two direct and three indirect) that the college uses for assessment. The measures include:  

  • Capstone Project Reviews (direct) 

  • Berens Pre & Post Tests (direct) 

  • Internship Survey (indirect) 

  • Senior Exit Survey (indirect) 

  • Alumni Survey (indirect) 

Below are the combined results from Academic Year 20-21, including the surveys conducted in fall 2022, spring 2021 and summer 2021. Students can choose between strongly agree, agree (combined into agree), disagree and strongly disagree (combined into disagree) for each statement. 


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  1. I understand and can apply First Amendment principles to my work. 

  1. I can demonstrate an understanding of the history and the role of the professions in shaping communications. 

  1. I can demonstrate a respect for colleagues of different ethnic and cultural backgrounds. 

  1. I can demonstrate a respect for colleagues of different genders. 

  1. I can demonstrate a respect for colleagues of different races and ethnicity. 

  1. I can demonstrate a respect for colleagues of different sexual orientations. 

  1. I can demonstrate a respect for colleagues from different countries. 

  1. I can present data, text and images in a professional manner. 

  1. I can demonstrate professional and ethical principles through my work, including truth, accuracy, fairness and diversity. 

  1. I can solve problems creatively, independently and resourcefully. 

  1. I can conduct research and am able to evaluate information. 

  1. I can write correctly and clearly in styles appropriate to the communications professions. 

  1. I am able to critically evaluate the quality of my own work for fairness, clarity, appropriate style and grammatical correctness. 

  1. I am able to critically evaluate the quality of the work of others for fairness, clarity, appropriate style and grammatical correctness. 

  1. I understand and can apply basic numerical and statistical concepts. 

  1. I can apply tools and technology appropriate to the communications profession in which I plan to work. 

The top five areas of concern are highlighted in red. 

The survey also asks some general questions about the quality of the student's experience in the college. Students can choose between very satisfied, satisfied (combined into satisfied), unsatisfied and very unsatisfied (combined into unsatisfied). 


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  1. The advice, counsel, and guidance you received from the faculty in the College of Journalism and Mass Communications. 

  1. The advice, counsel, and guidance you received from the academic advisors in the College of Journalism and Mass Communications. 

  1. The education you received in the College of Journalism and Mass Communications. 

  1. The availability of the equipment in the College of Journalism and Mass Communications outside of class time. 

  1. The College of Journalism and Mass Communications has prepared you for success in your chosen profession. 

You can download the detailed results with a breakout by major and semester here. Additionally, you can download the results from the fall 2021 senior exit survey here