Travel Updates: August 2022

August 21, 2022

Coming September 2022: new user interface for Concur 

On September 12th, Concur will introduce a new user interface for travel requests and expense reports.  The new streamlined layout will result in a more efficient user experience. Existing functionality will remain unchanged. 

Want a sneak peek at the new layout? Several 30-minute informational sessions have been scheduled for August and September. Quick reference guides (QRGs) have been developed to assist with the transition. 

For questions regarding the new Concur user interface, contact Melody Stark at the NU Travel Office: or  

Southwest Airlines Eliminates Expiration Dates on SWA Flight Credits 

Southwest Airlines has introduced a new policy eliminating expiration dates on all Southwest flight credits (unused tickets). This new flexibility applies to all currently valid, existing flight credits, as well as any new flight credit issued.  Southwest is the first U.S airline to eliminate expiration dates on flight credits.

To learn more about the elimination of expiration dates on flight credits visit:

Vehicle Rental in Kearney, NE 

When searching in Concur for vehicle rental in Kearney, NE, users should search by Reference Point/Zip Code, as the Enterprise location is offsite from the Kearney airport.  

Upcoming Training Session (please check the training website as dates/times may change). 

  • September 13 10:00 a.m. – Noon
  • October 13 10:00 a.m. – Noon
  • November 17 1:30-3:30 p.m.