Professionals in Residence to share ethical dilemmas with students

January 27, 2022

a group of people sitting around a table

Professionals in Residence from the UNL College of Journalism and Mass Communications will lead a discussion of real-world ethical dilemmas with students on Tuesday, March 1 at 12:30 p.m. in the Swanson Auditorium in the Nebraska Union.

Professionals in Residence are working professionals whose companies have volunteered their time to mentor and support students in the College of Journalism and Mass Communications. During the panel, they will discuss ethical dilemmas they have faced during their careers in journalism, broadcasting, advertising and public relations and sports media. Students from across the college will be invited to ask questions and engage in a robust discussion with the professionals about their situations, how they responded and what they would do differently now.

“Our mission advances the ethical pursuit of truth to uphold democracy,” said Shari Veil, dean of the College of Journalism and Mass Communications. “Students can greatly benefit from the experiences of our professionals in residence who can provide real-world examples of the ethical challenges in our industries.”

The college wants to ensure that ethics are incorporated in student learning throughout their educational program. To achieve this aim, three college programs have partnered to offer the panel discussion.

Participation in the discussion will be required for students enrolled in the college’s introductory course, Principles of Mass Media. “Engaging students early in their career is vital to laying the foundation of a deep understanding of ethical issues,” said Kelli Britten, assistant professor of practice in the College of Journalism and Mass Communications and the instructor for Principles of Mass Media.

Senior-level students enrolled in the college’s required ethics course, Mass Media and Society, will also be required to participate. Students enrolled in the Experience Lab, a program that provides students with opportunities to gain professional experience working in one of the college’s media outlets or agencies, will also be invited to participate.

“I’m thrilled for this opportunity for my students,” said Rick Alloway, associate professor and instructor of Media Ethics and Society. “Ethics is critically important for students and sometimes, textbooks can be dry. This will be a great opportunity to bring the industry right into the classroom.”

The event is free and open to all students across the University of Nebraska-Lincoln campus. Location and conversation format may change depending on COVID protocols.