NY Times bestselling author Candice Millard featured in free public event at Lied Center

September 27, 2022

Candice Millard

Bestselling author Candice Millard will deliver the 27th annual Governor’s Lecture in the Humanities on Wednesday, September 28, 2022, at the Lied Center for Performing Arts in Lincoln. Also available for livestreaming at enthompson.unl.edu, the conversation-style event titled, “A Clear and Steady Eye: Storytelling and Our Shared History,” will be moderated by Rick Alloway, Associate Professor of Broadcasting at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL). The event is presented by Humanities Nebraska (HN) in partnership with the E.N. Thompson Forum on World Issues and the University of Nebraska, and it kicks off the Thompson Forum’s 2022-23 series, “Creativity to Solve Global Challenges.”

Candice Millard’s talk will touch on her four New York Times bestsellers: “The River of Doubt,” “Destiny of the Republic,” “Hero of the Empire,” and “River of the Gods.” She and Alloway will discuss the research she has conducted — from the Library of Congress to the headwaters of the Nile — how she chooses a subject, the importance of structure and storytelling, and why history matters. Audience members, whether attending in person or watching online, will have opportunity to ask questions.

Immediately following the presentation, HN will host an “Humanities After Hours” event at the Lied Center. Attendees are welcome to linger for post-lecture conversation and a cash bar. Meanwhile, Millard will also be available for book signing follower her talk. Her books will be offered for purchase on site.

Humanities Nebraska is a private nonprofit with a mission to help Nebraskans explore what connects us and makes us human. Visit humanitiesnebraska.org to learn more about the annual Governor’s Lecture and other programs.

For more information about Candice Millard, please visit candicemillard.com. The E.N. ThompsonForum, a collaboration of the Cooper Foundation, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and the Lied Center for Performing Arts, brings a diversity of viewpoints to the people of Nebraska to promote understanding and encourage debate. Their website, enthompson.unl.edu, has the livestream link.