By the Numbers: Student Credit Hour Production

Sunday, November 26, 2023 - 8:45am

The college has significantly increased its student credit hour production over the past ten years. In 2013-2014, the college generated 16,767 student credit hours. While in 2022-2023, the college generated 21,235 credit hours, a 26.6% increase. The trend has been continuously upward, with notable exceptions in 2016-2017 and 2021-2022. 

The college programs generating student credit hours have shifted over the past ten years. In 20213-2014, approximately 90 percent of the total credit hours were generated by ADPR (29%), JGEN (27%) and JOMC (29%) courses, with the remainder generated by BRDC (5%) and JOUR (10%).

The proportion of total credit hours generated by JOMC courses has grown to 28% in 2022-2023. Meanwhile, the proportion of SCH generated by ADPR courses (24%) and JGEN courses (15%) has shrunk. The proportion of SCH generated by BRDC courses (5%) and JOUR courses (9%) has remained relatively consistent. SPMC was added in 2017-2018 and now represents 9% of the college SCH generation. 

Our academic programs have seen an increase in the total number of student credit hours generated over the past ten years except for JGEN courses.

While the proportion of SCH generated by ADPR has fallen, the total SCH generated has risen from 4,857 to 5,076, an increase of 4.7%. The proportion of SCH generated by BRDC courses has remained consistent, but the total SCH generated has grown from 822 in 2013-2014 to 1,143 in 2022-2023, an increase of 39.1%.

Student credit hours generated by JGEN courses have declined as a proportion of the college’s total SCH and in the total number of credit hours generated. In 2013-2014, JGEN courses generated 4,476 SCH, which fell to 3,144 in 2022-2023, a decline of 29.8%.

The proportion of SCH generated and the total SCH generated by JOMC courses has risen significantly. In 2013-2014, JOMC courses generated 4,936 credit hours, which rose to 8,051 in 20122-2023, an increase of 63.1%.

JOUR courses have remained a consistent proportion of the college’s SCH while experiencing a slight increase in the total SCH produced. In 2013-2014, JOUR courses produced 1,686 credit hours, which rose to 1,901 in 2022-2023, an increase of 12.8%. 

Finally, the college introduced SPMC courses in 2017-2018. In the program’s first year, it generated 351 credit hours. SCH generation by SPMC courses has risen to 1,920. 

Recent budget cuts will impact the college’s ability to generate student credit hours. Eliminating JGEN courses will likely result in a significant decrease in college SCH. Today, JGEN courses represent 15% of the total SCH. It is unlikely that the students who enroll in JGEN courses will be able to enroll in other courses offered by CoJMC. The students who enroll in these courses are not majors within CoJMC. The courses are also ACE 1 and 2 certified. The college does not offer other ACE 1 and 2 courses for non-majors. As a result, the elimination of JGEN courses will reduce the college’s SCH. 

Additionally, with a lack of funding for temporary instructors, the college can offer fewer special topics, pop-ups and elective courses to majors and non-majors. While we strive to accommodate these students in other college courses, these reductions will likely impact college SCH.