By the Numbers: Aim 2: Advance the field by bridging research and practice in our graduate programs

Sunday, July 9, 2023 - 8:45am

Aim 2: Advance the field by bridging research and practice in our graduate programs

Summary of Activities

In 2022-2023, the college made progress on building a curriculum that will support our aim of bridging research and practice in our graduate program. Our Ph.D. proposal, first drafted in 2021-2022, received feedback from an external market research firm that indicates that our proposal is sound and will provide a needed service in the marketplace. The Office of Graduate Studies also provided feedback that the associate dean for academic programs incorporated into the proposal.

The college also obtained approval from the University to launch two 4+1 programs that will allow students to earn a bachelor's and master's degree in five years. Final university approval was obtained in the spring of 2023, and students can begin enrolling in the program in the fall of 2023.

The college faculty approved a new graduate sports media and communication certificate in the spring of 2023. The proposal was developed with input from faculty teaching in the sports media and communications major. The proposal was submitted to the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor for consideration at the university level.

The associate dean for graduate programs, working with the administrative associate and the graduate adviser, developed informal concentrations of courses to support student learning. While the concentrations are not formal programs students can enroll in, they will guide student advising and support the development of course rotations.

The graduate program team also drafted a new Canvas course to provide online students with advice and guidance on navigating the program. The course includes an overview of the program and major milestones throughout the program, along with forms and resources to support student progress. The draft will be reviewed by the graduate committee and implemented in fall 2023.

The college continued administering the graduate student exit survey, first launched in the spring of 2022. The graduate committee will use the survey results to identify areas for improvement in the program.

The college did not increase the number of graduate assistants or the number of assistants dedicated to research support. The number of graduate assistants fell from 12 in 2021-2022 to 9 in 2022-2023. The decline was the result of decreased funding available to support graduate assistants. However, the college has launched a comprehensive fundraising campaign to increase the number of endowed professorships in the college supporting graduate assistants.

Aim 2 Targets




25-26 (Goal)

Graduate Enrollment by 20%[i]





Increase Graduate Course Offerings by 10%[ii]





Funding for 6 additional graduate students[iii]





100% Faculty who have completed online course training[iv]






Review of the Targets

The college’s overall graduate enrollment declined significantly between 2021-2022 and 2022-2023. In the fall of 2022, the college conducted a thorough review of the college’s enrollment and retention of students. Following that assessment, the college engaged a student-run advertising agency, Jacht, to develop a digital advertising campaign to promote the graduate program. The college implemented an organic campaign on Facebook and Instagram in the spring of 2023 and piloted a paid advertising campaign in the summer of 2023.

The college’s graduate course offerings also declined due to the need to serve fewer students.

As noted above, the college decreased the number of graduate assistants due to funding limitations. The Comprehensive fundraising campaign, launched in November 2022, aims to raise $5 million to support professorships providing graduate assistants to faculty.

The college did increase the proportion of faculty who have completed the Summer Institute for online teaching. Additionally, the program was offered again in the summer of 2023, and the college heavily promoted this professional development opportunity to faculty. To engage all faculty in teaching development, monthly trainings with Instructional Designer Amy Ort were add to the all-college meetings. 

Progress on Strategies




Enhance the graduate student experience, including on-boarding, advising, and degree completion


In Progress

Build 4+1 master’s programs to encourage undergraduates to continue education



Create an ELL option for professional master’s students



Optimize rotation of courses to ensure consistent offerings, maximize faculty resources and allow students to plan


In Progress

Continue to develop online course offerings with trained faculty


In Progress

Develop an assessment plan for all graduate programs and courses and adjust curriculum as indicated


In Progress

Develop a system to recognize faculty mentoring/advising of graduate students



Increase the number of funded graduate assistantships with industry partners



Explore ACEJMC accreditation for our graduate programs



Identify and allocate funding for graduate student travel to present research and creative activity



Develop a doctoral program designed for working professionals


In Progress

Create certificate programs based on industry demand and faculty areas of expertise that serve students in multiple graduate programs


In Progress

Build industry and academic relationships to establish pipelines for our graduate programs



Increase the number of graduate students dedicated to research assistance


In Progress


Several strategies targeted for progress during the 2022-2023 academic year remain uninitiated. In coordination with other college standing committees, the strategic planning committee will add these for discussion this year.

[i] Figure from the Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Analytics Enrollment by College and Student Level Fall 2022 report.

[ii] Figure derived by counting all 800 and 900-level course sections listed in the Office Institutional Effectiveness and Analytics Course Fill reports for the fall of 2022 and the spring of 2023.

[iii] Figure derived by counting the number of graduate assistant appointments listed in the college for fall 2022 in SAP.

[iv] Figure determined by dividing the number of faculty who have completed the SOIT training (provided by Amy Ort) by the total number of full-time faculty in the college.