Nominate students work for competitions

December 11, 2022

The Student Competitions Committee needs your help as it is entering a busy awards season. All faculty members including adjunct faculty should have received a Teams folder link Friday from Jill Martin and the committee. Please upload student work from your classes that you think could be good award contenders. Students may also submit their work for consideration using this form on the CoJMC website.  

Committee members will review the entries before the competition deadline to determine appropriate entries. During committee meetings, final decisions will be made about student entries for each category in the upcoming competition based on content in the faculty folders and recommendations from faculty in each major. If consensus cannot be reached, a majority vote of committee members will decide.  

Faculty members are responsible for reaching out to students to obtain written consent from the student to enter their work in the competition. Faculty members are also responsible for providing both physical media and working public links to the content as well as corresponding information (see form below). The committee will request funding for the entry, if needed, package the entry for submission and submit the entry through the established contest process. 

List of competitions and deadlines (If you are aware of additional competitions and opportunities for our students, please reach out to a committee member with that information. (Ken Fischer, Barney McCoy, Jill Martin, Kaitlin Van Loon, Karez Hassan, Brian Hubbard) 


Faculty Sponsor: Your name 

Category: (as listed on the competition’s category list) 

Title of Entry: 

Date of Entry (Air Date): 


Public Link: (You Tube, Audition, NNS, KRNU, etc.) 

Target Audience: 


Cover letter or content description if required by contest. (Upload file option)