Monthly Honors: Celebrating Student, Faculty and Staff Excellence

by Haley Hamel

September 23, 2024

Two people stand in front of a fireplace
Owen Smith (right) accepts the August Student of the Month award from Dean Shari Veil on Sept. 19.
Kaitlin Van Loon

Each month, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's College of Journalism and Mass Communications celebrates the hard work and dedication of its community members through four prestigious awards. These honors—Professor of the Month, Student of the Month, Faculty Not Too Shabby Award, and Staff Not Too Shabby Award—are designed to recognize individuals who have gone above and beyond in their contributions to the college. All award winners are nominated through the college's Kudos program, a peer-to-peer recognition initiative that highlights excellence across the CoJMC. 

The Professor and Student of the Month awards are voted on by the CoJMC Student Advisory Board and spotlight excellence in teaching and academic achievement. Meanwhile, the Not Too Shabby Awards are voted on by the CoJMC Staff Council, acknowledging faculty and staff who have demonstrated exceptional commitment to the college and its students. 

The CoJMC announced the following award winners for August: 

Student of the Month 

Owen Smith 

Owen Smith, a master’s student specializing in professional journalism, has been named August's Student of the Month for his outstanding work as a graduate assistant in the Media Ethics & Society course. Nominated by Associate Professor and 90.3 KRNU General Manager Rick Alloway, Smith impressed with his efficiency, reliability and contributions to the course’s success. 

“I had the opportunity to work with Owen as my grad assistant in the Media Ethics & Society course,” Alloway said. “His contributions to the course helped make it a success, and I appreciate it all. Thanks, Owen!”  

Two people stand in front of a fireplace
Owen Smith (right) accepts the August Student of the Month award from Dean Shari Veil on Sept. 19. 

Professor of the Month 

Dave Remund, Ph.D.  
Dave Remund, an assistant professor of practice in advertising and public relations, has been recognized with the Faculty Not Too Shabby Award for August, after receiving two nominations from his colleagues for his exceptional contributions to the CoJMC community. 

Associate Professor Betsy Emmons praised Remund’s support and generosity, stating, “Dave has gone above and beyond to introduce me to the PR community at UNL and in the state and has been a patient resource with all of my questions!” 

Kristian Anderson, assistant professor of practice, also highlighted Dave’s leadership efforts, saying, “Dave helped provide a workshop for our Experience Lab leads and liaisons on leadership. It was a great day of insightful speakers and discussion. Thank you.” 

Two people stand in front of a fireplace
Dave Remund (right) accepts the August Professor of the Month award from Dean Shari Veil on Sept. 18. 

Staff Not Too Sabby Award 

Vannessa Killen 

Vannessa Killen, an academic advisor, has been honored with the Staff Not Too Shabby Award for August, after receiving two nominations from Director of Advising Alisa Smith. Despite being relatively new to the College of Journalism and Mass Communications, Killen has made an immediate and positive impact. 

“Vannessa has only been here a little over a month, but she has jumped in with both feet,” Smith said. Smith also commended Vannessa’s contributions to improving the JOMC 100 course, adding, “I am so grateful to Vannessa for all her work updating our JOMC 100 course for incoming first-year students. Many hours were spent strategizing how we could make this class much more effective for the student experience.”  

Woman sits at a desk
Vannessa Killen accepts the Staff Not Too Shabby Award on Sept. 18.

Faculty Not Too Shabby Award  

Ryan Tan, Ph.D.  

Ryan Tan, an assistant professor in sports media and communication, has been recognized with the Faculty Not Too Shabby Award for his exceptional teamwork and dedication to improving the student experience. Nominated by Assistant Professor of Practice Dave Remund, Tan went above and beyond to offer valuable support and guidance. 

“Ryan spent several hours during Week 1, coaching me on more efficient ways to leverage Canvas for group work,” Remund said. “We are teaching sections of a new course, but he didn't necessarily need to invest or sacrifice his own time. To me, that's true teamwork and a sincere commitment to improving the student experience.” 

Two people hold an award
Ryan Tan (left) accepts the Faculty Not Too Sabby Award from summer Not Too Shabby Award winner Kaci Richter on Sept. 23. 

These awards are a testament to the hard work and commitment of the faculty, staff and students who make the College of Journalism and Mass Communications such a vibrant and collaborative space. To nominate faculty, staff or students for monthly awards, visit and submit Kudos.  

Congratulations to all of the August award winners for their well-deserved recognition!