Graduation Spotlight: Luka Ivkovic

Sunday, May 19, 2024 - 5:00pm

Working with different-minded people in CoJMC programs like Buoy, Jacht and the National Student Advertising Competition team motivated graduating senior Luka Ivkovic to heighten his self-awareness and listening skills. Luka credits his peers who challenged and grew with him for shaping who he is and inspiring his drive going forward.

What does graduating from Nebraska mean to you?

While a degree may not directly correlate to success, graduating from UNL gives me self-confidence. It makes me realize I bring value, I can compete with the big dogs and do everything I set out to do, personally and professionally.

As you think about graduating from Nebraska, please share any transformational moments that helped to shape who you are or what you will do going forward:

My peers shaped me.

This question hints at an ultra-specific response, but I must keep it broad. All my peer interactions shaped who I am and my drive going forward. Practicums such as Buoy, Jacht and NSAC allowed me to laugh, cry and work with such different-minded people. Students who challenged me, inspired me and grew with me. Ironically, we're in the College of Mass Communications, but the communication I had to study most was interpersonal. I became self-aware, learned how to read a room, and discovered what listening really means.

What were you involved in at CoJMC and UNL?

I started as a small fish in a large pond, joining Buoy Student Agency through the Experience Lab. From there, I became a Brand Strategist at Jacht Agency, eventually turning Lead Brand Strategist. I then transitioned to Account Planner for our National Student Advertising Competition (NSAC) team and became a Campus Host. 

What are your plans for after graduation?

After graduation, I plan to become a Brand Strategist/Account Manager at a high-level advertising agency. Where, you might ask? Who knows.

Wherever I end up, I realize everyone bases their career decisions on two things, fear or love. Fear that the job you want to have won't be "successful enough." Or love, where success stems internally. Regardless of time or place, I know the route I'm taking.

(I might even start my own agency... you never know!)

After graduation, what are you most looking forward to?

paying for rent and insurance. I'm kidding... is everything a valid answer?

Who helped you throughout your time as a Husker that you'd like to thank?

Thank you, Mom, Pops and Shrimp. My time as a Husker has had its fair share of ups and downs, and you were always there to have my back. Literally and figuratively, I couldn't have done this without you. Love you guys <3

What is the best thing about being a Husker?


Luka Ivkovic, advertising and public relations major from Leawood, Kansas
Luka Ivkovic, advertising and public relations major from Leawood, Kansas