Eight students selected for CoJMC's first student editorial board

February 27, 2022

student editorial board

Eight students at the UNL College of Journalism and Mass Communications were recently selected to launch the first-ever CoJMC Student Editorial Board. The board will oversee and manage the Nebraska News Service, Nebraska Nightly, UNLimited Sports and KRNU websites and the distribution of student-created content through social media and other distribution platforms.

"I know this is a step the college has been looking to take for a long time, and I'm really excited to help usher in the wealth of progress our talented group of students are going to make,” Peyton Thomas, board chair and managing editor, said.

The board will regularly review the program websites and publishing platforms to ensure quality of content layout, design and accessibility. Members will also propose and implement changes to the website to improve the quality and reach of content posted to the site. Members will establish and enforce publishing standards and make decisions relating to the addition/deletion of pages and the addition of special features.

“I am thrilled to be a part of the groundbreaking of the student editorial board and to help foster cohesive editorial decision-making within the college,” said Hanna Christensen, Nebraska News Service editor.

CoJMC Student Editorial Board members include:

Managing editor/board chair - Peyton Thomas, Seattle, Washington, sports media, broadcasting and journalism 

KRNU editor - Olivia Klein, Omaha, broadcasting

UNLimited Sports editor - Nathan Hawkins, Bellevue, sports media and communication

Nebraska Nightly editor - Hannah-Kate Kinney, Omaha, advertising/public relations, broadcasting and journalism 

Nebraska News Service editor - Hanna Christensen, Lincoln, journalism and psychology

Regional editor - Ramey Vachal, Lincoln, journalism and political science

Social media editor - Colette Danielski, Connecticut/Minnesota, english, communications and educational psychology

Multimedia editor - Marko Jerkovic, Lincoln, broadcasting and sports media and communication

Faculty liaisons including Ken Fischer, Brian Petrotta, Rick Alloway, John Shrader and Jill Martin will serve as ex-officio members.