Connecting past and present: alumni quotes now adorn Andersen Hall

by Haley Hamel

September 4, 2024

Picture of text printed on a wall in a hallway
Quote from Charlie Arnot on the third floor of Andersen Hall.
Haley Hamel | College of Journalism and Mass Communicaitons

As students entered Andersen Hall on the first day of the fall 2024 semester, they were greeted by a new sight: a collection of inspiring quotes from UNL College of Journalism and Mass Communications alumni who once walked these very halls. These words, crafted by graduates who have left their mark on the world, now join the well-known sayings of politicians, journalists and speakers, offering students and alumni a more personal connection to the building and its legacy. 

text printed on a wall in a hallway
Quote from Jane Tenhulzen Olson on the first floor of Andersen Hall. 

For over two decades, Andersen Hall featured the words of global figures, but in the summer of 2024, the college made a significant shift. This decision to honor alumni who achieved greatness within their fields reflects the college’s broader mission to prioritize community building that recognizes, respects and celebrates diversity. By featuring its own graduates, the college underscores the importance of celebrating the unique journeys of alumni while creating a deeper sense of connection for current students. 

More importantly, the alumni quotes reaffirm the college’s mission to embrace and protect the ethical pursuit of truth to uphold democracy. Each quote is a reminder that the legacy of truth-telling and integrity is not just a distant ideal but an attainable goal for every student passing through these halls. 

The idea for this project originated with the college’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee, which proposed an evaluation of the existing quotes in 2022-2023. Recognizing that the voices on the walls should reflect those most connected to the institution, the committee gathered feedback from faculty, staff and students, deciding to remove some quotes while adding others from alumni who have significantly contributed to their respective fields and embody the college's values. 

text printed on a wall in a hallway
Quote from Deb Fiddelke on the third floor of Andersen Hall. 

Chair of the DEI Committee and Associate Dean Cory Armstrong, who led the review, articulated the vision behind this transformation.  

"The quotes are meant to honor our alumni and inspire students through the wisdom of those who came before them," Armstrong said. "They also reinforce our commitment to fostering the future of journalism and mass communications, including our dedication to diverse opinions and a marketplace of ideas."    

With over 8,800 living alumni, the college had a wealth of voices to choose from. Dean Shari Veil suggested reaching out to the college’s past Alumni Masters, a group of prominent graduates who are honored each spring through the Nebraska Alumni Association’s Alumni Master's program.  

"The Alumni Masters were thrilled to contribute to this project," Dean Veil said. "It was a chance for them to leave a lasting legacy in a place that helped shape their lives and livelihoods. Adding their words to Andersen Hall ensures that their experiences will continue to inspire generations of future students." 

The college has decided to make adding a new alumni quote an annual tradition. Each spring, when the new Alumni Master is announced, they will be invited to contribute a quote that will be added to the growing collection in Andersen Hall. This evolving display will become a living testament to the college’s ongoing dedication to its alumni and their shared values.  

The quotes installed in 2024: 

  1. “Stories transport, inform, draw emotions, unify and provide legacy. There are great stories within all of us. Go tell them!”   - David Nuckolls (’86), Creative Storyteller/Producer 

  2. “Whether you read, watch or click, only journalism provides a first draft of history, with a front row seat to the world.”  - Jeff Zeleny (’96), Chief National Affairs Correspondent, CNN 

  3. “If you wish to write something that matters, live a life that matters.” - Jane Tenhulzen Olson ('64), Author and Humanitarian 

  4. “The medium may change, but the importance of a compelling message remains.” - Kris Saalfeld Malkoski (’83), CEO, Learning & Development, Newell Brands 

  5. "To participate in the democratic process, independent journalism is critical to helping citizens understand and debate a diversity of viewpoints." - Lynn Roper ('70), chair, Nebraska Journalism Trust 

  6. "Broadcast journalism is the art of storytelling in motion, where every word, every image, and every sound has the power to speak the truth, inform, enlighten, and inspire." – Margaret M. Holman (’73), consultant and author 

  7. "The truth is out there and has great value. Find it and report it clearly and concisely without fear or bias." - Gary Kemper (’76), photographer, reporter and editor, UPI and Reuters 

  8. “Know your audience. Serve them consistently well and you will succeed.” - Eric Brown, PhD ('67), general manager, KRVN/NRRadio Network  

  9. “It's not HOW the message is delivered. It's WHY the message matters.” - Lynne Grasz Hall ('66), president, Grasz Communications 

  10. "Facts and context matter. Test the first and include the latter." - Kathryn Christensen ('71), The Wall Street Journal and ABC News 

  11. "In the media business, we get the audiences we deserve.  So, pursue and create great content, that serves public good, and make people aware of it.  Audiences will always follow." - Tim Roesler ('77), career broadcasting manager 

  12. “Journalism is a fantastic training ground and springboard for so many career pursuits. You’ve learned to communicate effectively, synthesize information, solve problems and think creatively. Those are skills valued by employers across all industries.” - Wendy Guillies (‘86), CEO, Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation  

  13. “The true value of a brand is measured in the hearts and minds of consumers.” - Rob Reeder (‘86), marketing manager-brand, Hallmark Cards 

  14. “Rule #1: Communicate at the level of understanding of your audience.” - Bob Cullinan (‘77), journalist and PR consultant  

  15. “Communication can unite or divide. It’s easy to divide, diminish and destroy. Embrace the challenge to unite for the greater good.” - Charlie Arnot ('86), social entrepreneur 

  16. "The act of communication has two ends. If you're not connecting with your audience, you're simply throwing beautiful images and words into the wind." - Deb Fiddelke ('90), vice president of global public affairs, SC Johnson 

  17. "Be kind. You are meeting people on the single worst day of their lives. So be your best self - and still get the story." - Marjie Lundstrom ('78), Pulitzer Prize-winner, National Reporting 

  18. “When creating a brand, be audacious with your mission, unique with your creative, bold with your strategy and passionate with your voice.” - Michelle R. Walenz ('87), former senior vice president of branding, creative and marketing, Disney ABC Television Networks 

  19. “I think good leadership centers on 3 Is: being inquisitive, being intentional and being inspirational.” - Angie Klein (’01) vice president marketing and sales, Verizon 

The placement of these quotes has been carefully considered to ensure that all students, regardless of the courses they are enrolled in or the areas of the building they frequent, will have the opportunity to see and reflect on them. 

text printed on a wall in a hallway
Quote from Tim Roesler in the Don and Lorena Meier Studio on the second floor of Andersen Hall. 

“Seeing the alumni quotes on the walls of Andersen Hall makes me feel connected to great legacies and people,” said Cadence McColliser, a junior advertising and public relations major. “Each quote is a reminder to stay true to my values and to aim high as I move forward through my college career and my future career endeavors." 

The installation of these alumni quotes is more than a symbolic gesture; it is a lasting tribute to the college’s core values of community, integrity and the ethical pursuit of truth. By creating a dynamic and evolving display of alumni wisdom, the college ensures that each new generation of students can draw inspiration from those who have come before them.