Albanez breaks Guinness World Record

March 20, 2024

Jake Albanez

Jake Albanez, a 2011 College of Journalism and Mass Communications graduate, set a new world record during the 10th annual Good Life Halfsy held in Lincoln last November and on January 3, 2024, his record-breaking accomplishment was officially certified by Guinness World Records.

Albanez, who works in marketing for Boys Town, had his sights set on breaking the Guinness World Record for the fastest half-marathon while donning a graduation cap and gown. The previous record, established in 2017 by a man in the United Kingdom, stood at 1 hour, 31 minutes, and 58 seconds.

Motivated by the novelty of such achievements and inspired by his recent graduation with a master’s degree in marketing from Northwest Missouri State University, Albanez embarked on his quest to make history. His journey towards this feat began with a deep dive into the preparation required. Not only did he need to wear the cap and gown, but he also had to adhere to specific attire guidelines, including a tie, white button-down shirt, and trousers.

Following rigorous training and meticulous planning, Albanez's determination paid off as he took on the challenge. With each mile marked by a photo, he sprinted towards the finish line, fueled by his ambition and the support of his community.

On November 5, 2023, amidst the cheers of spectators and supporters, Albanez crossed the finish line, breaking the world record he had set out to conquer. His time of 1 hour, 29 minutes, and 59 seconds not only surpassed his own expectations but also etched his name in the annals of history.

“I have always dreamt of having an opportunity to share an honorable achievement with my alma mater that represents alumni achieving greatness and I’m honored to share that I officially hold the Guinness World Record for fastest half marathon in a graduation cap and gown,” Albanez said.