Employer Resources

Advertise a Position

Promote your job or internship opportunity to students. You can advertise on Handshake to make your posting available across the campus and/or target students in the College of Journalism and Mass Communications by advertising in our weekly newsletter, The Career Bulletin. 

Conduct Interviews on Campus

Conveniently conduct interviews with CoJMC students right in Andersen Hall, making it easy to connect with talented candidates in a familiar and accessible environment. This on-site interview option allows you to engage with students where they study and collaborate, providing a seamless and efficient process for both employers and students.

Email Natalie to Schedule

Promote your Company

Enhance your company's visibility with students by hosting an information booth in the Andersen Hall lobby. This opportunity allows you to directly engage with potential future employees, showcase your organization's culture and career opportunities, and build relationships with talented individuals from the College of Journalism and Mass Communications.

Email Natalie to Schedule

Join a Career Fair

Sign up to participate in one of the University's career fairs, which are specifically designed to connect you with the students you are looking to hire. These events provide an excellent opportunity to meet and engage with current students who are eager to learn about career opportunities.

Register in Handshake