Emergency Funding

Two police cars

Sometimes life throws you a curveball, and you need a little extra help. The College of Journalism and Mass Communications has emergency funds available to help students facing unforeseen and unavoidable circumstances that threaten their progress toward a degree.

Up to $1,500 in emergency funding is available to help with both tuition and fees and life interruptions, like a car breakdown, broken laptop, or needed prescription due to illness. To discuss possible university resources, contact the Husker Hub.

How to Apply

Eligibility Criteria
  1. You must be an enrolled major in the College of Journalism and Mass Communications.
  2. You must have exhausted alternative university funding options. To discuss university resources, contact Husker Hub.  
  3. You must have experienced an emergency situation that has resulted in your need for financial support. 
Application Instructions
  1. Draft your narrative: Your narrative should explain your emergency, including how the circumstances were unforeseen and unavoidable and how the funds will help you progress toward your degree.
  2. Gather your supporting evidence: Your supporting evidence should provide proof of your emergency situation and fully corroborate your narrative.
  3. Gather your proof of exhaustion: Before qualifying for a CoJMC emergency scholarship, students must exhaust their options through the University. Your proof of exhaustion should demonstrate that you have sought help through Husker Hub and that you either do not have any options through them or you have taken advantage of your options and still have need.
  4. Gather proof of your financial need: The proof of financial need should demonstrate the exact amount of funding you are requesting. This is typically a bill or quote for a future purchase. Funding is limited to $1,500.
  5. Schedule a meeting with your academic advisor: Schedule a meeting with your academic advisor in the Student Success Hub. Bring the supporting materials you gathered above to the meeting. Your advisor will review your application materials and submit the application on your behalf.
Consideration of your application

After your application is complete, it will be considered by the college's leadership team. Awards are made at the discretion of the leadership team and based on available funding. Funding will not exceed $1,500. You will be notified of the committee's decision via your Husker email address.

Examples of Documentation


Example Situation: Working full time before the semester began and required overtime, required schedule change.

Possible Documentation: 

  • Letter from employer including effective date(s) and whether the increase in hours was mandatory
Medical Condition

Examples: Serious illness, dental emergency, change in health status, surgery, hospitalization or mental health issue

Possible Documentation: 

  • Letter from health care provider/or other licensed professional with the advised period of recovery, dates of office visits
  • Doctor's office bill 
  • Pharmacy bill
Family Issue

Example: Child or parent medical condition (if parent, student needs to provide documentation that he/she was required to care for a parent), family conflict

Possible Documentation: 

  • Records from daycare/school that child was required to be kept home
  • Records from doctor visits
  • A letter stating doctor advised period of recovery
  • Hospitalization records
  • Letter from therapist or other licensed professional
Unexpected Daycare Closure

Example: Daycare closes for weather or provider illness 

Possibel Documentation: 

  • Letter from daycare provider
Death of Family Member or Friend

Possible Documentation: 

  • Obituary or death certificate
  • Letter from counselor

Documentation should include date and indicate relationship to the deceased.

Housing Issues

Possible Documentation: 

  • Letter from resident director
  • Eviction notice
  • Letter from transitional housing program
  • Past due notice
Assault or Domestic Violence

Possible Documentation: 

  • Police report
  • Court documentation
  • Letter from clergy, social worker, licensed professional or doctor
Car Issues

Possible Documentation: 

  • Police report
  • Repair estimate
Computer Issues

Possible Documentation: 

Repair/replacement estimate

The table above is not all-inclusive. If you do not see your circumstance listed, please still apply.

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