The shape of the State of Nebraska created using dots

Enter the Bailey Lauerman Design Diversity Challenge for the chance to install your design as a mural in Andersen Hall, have it displayed on digital screens throughout the building and earn a scholarship to continue your studies at Nebraska.

Open to all undergraduate majors at CoJMC graduating no sooner than May 2024.

About the contest

Nebraska’s Bailey Lauerman is sponsoring a design challenge for students enrolled in the College of Journalism and Mass Communications at UNL. This unique challenge will provide students with an opportunity to showcase their design skills, earn a scholarship and have their work displayed as a mural in Andersen Hall for one academic year.

Registration is required to participate. Participants will have two weeks to design a mural for the south wall of the Bailey Lauerman Student Commons on the third floor of Andersen Hall and on digital screens throughout the college that celebrates the theme of the power of diversity in Nebraska. The mural must be true to the theme, visually appealing and appropriate for an academic setting. Participants can submit a static or motion design. 

Participants will present their designs to a panel of professional judges during a design showcase. 

Competition Schedule:

  • Wednesday, Oct. 23 – Registration for the competition due
  • Thursday, Oct. 24 – Challenge Kickoff at 11 a.m. in Andersen Hall Room 336
  • Tuesday, Nov. 5 – Projects due and shared with BL judges
  • Wednesday, Nov. 6 – Finalists announced
  • Thursday, Nov. 7 – Finalists pitch to BL judges at 11 a.m. in Andersen Hall Room 336


Additional Information


The contest is open to all undergraduate majors who are in good academic standing in the College of Journalism and Mass Communications and have at least one semester remaining before graduation. There are no pre-requisite courses or experience needed to compete. Students can complete individually or in teams of two.

Technical Requirements

Students must register to participate. Participants will receive an InDesign file that meets the required size specifications for all designs. Participants should use the provided file to create their design. There will also be a kickoff meeting to review contest rules. The designs must be submitted prior to the final presentation time. Submission instructions will be provided to participants by the contest organizers.

Judging criteria

Judges will review each participant’s digital submissions, considering the entries’ specifications, innovation, design principles, impact and takeaway.

  • Specifications - Does the design meet the required specifications for the brief, including, but not limited to, size, scale and technical submission?
  • Innovation- Does the design stand out and provide something new to the space?
  • Design Principles - Does the design demonstrate fundamental principles in form, shape, color and finish?
  • Impact - Does the design deliver the intended message to viewers and work both static and in motion?
  • Takeaway - In addition to fulfilling its practical purpose, does the design create a meaningful, emotional response?
About the prize

The winning design will be installed as a wall wrap on the south wall of the Bailey Lauerman Student Commons for the following academic year. The winning designer will receive a scholarship of $1,000 applied directly to their student account for the upcoming spring semester. The award cannot be carried forward to future semesters. If the winning design was submitted by a team of two, the $1,000 prize will be split into awards of $500 each. The winner(s) must also remain a major with good standing in the College of Journalism and Mass Communications during the spring 2024 semester.

The Judges

  1. Avatar for Sean Faden
    Head of Creative Operations | Bailey Lauerman
  2. Avatar for Sarah Northcutt
    Graphic Designer | Bailey Lauerman
  3. Avatar for Casey Stokes
    Creative Director | Bailey Lauerman

Registration for the 2024 competition has closed.

Contest Rules

  1. Contest participants must be available to present their designs at the final presentation. 
  2. Entries must be the sole and original work of the entrant(s). Instructors can assign the competition theme in class and entrants can use the assignment as an entry.
  3. Participants must present their work to the judges. Each participant will have two minutes to present. The judges will have the opportunities for questions following the presentations. The judges will select one winner. The judge's decisions are final. 
  4. If the winning design is a submission by a team of two, the participants agree to split the scholarship prize evenly.
  5. By submitting the entry form, entrants are agreeing to grant the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska, its component campuses, its representatives, employees, agents and assigns, the irrevocable and unrestricted right to use, reproduce and publish, royalty-free,  submitted photographs for editorial, trade, advertising or any other purpose and in any manner and medium; to alter the same without restriction. Entrants release the University of Nebraska, its component campuses and its Regents, officers, employees, agents, legal representatives and assign from any and all claims, actions and liability related to its use of said photographs.
  6. All entrants hold the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska, its component campuses, its representatives, employees, agents and assigns (the University) harmless from and against all claims of any nature arising in connection with entrant's participation in the contest and acceptance of the prize. The University is not liable for any costs, damages, injuries, or other claims incurred as a result of entrants' participation in the contest or winner's acceptance and usage of a prize. The university is not responsible for incomplete or misdirected entries, technical or network malfunctions or failures, or causes beyond their control. 
  7. The university reserves the right to cancel or modify the rules at its discretion. In the event of a dispute regarding the winners, the university reserves the right to award or not award the prize in its sole discretion. The university reserves the right to disqualify any entrant whose entry or conduct appears in any way to: inhibit the enjoyment of others; tamper with the competition; violate the rules or other applicable law or regulations; infringes on the rights of third parties; or act in an unsportsmanlike or disruptive manner. Decisions of the university are final and binding. 
  8. The contest, entrant submission and the rules shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Nebraska. Any aspects or disputes arising out of or in connection with the contest and/or entrant submissions will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Nebraska courts.