Erin Sorensen

Erin Sorensen

hello eso: marketing + branding


I’m a content creator, storyteller and an Emmy Award-winning journalist.

I founded hello eso, a marketing and branding agency, to help amplify the voices of small businesses and nonprofits, as well as increase their reach and drive meaningful results. I specialize in social media (management and strategy), content creation, public relations and strategic communication, SEO and blogging.

I also have a strong background in sports journalism and reporting, which is why I co-founded Counter Read, a newsletter aimed at telling Nebraska sport stories well.

People are at the heart of everything I do. I believe there are stories to be told—whether that’s in 280 characters or 1,000 words—and those stories should be seen and heard. I am a creative at heart but I love a diving into the data to better see and understand results.

I love new school media (TikTok is my current obsession), but I’ll always full believe in the power of old school media too (print journalism, anyone?). Whatever the goal, I’m up for the challenge.